Saturday, November 17, 2007

A surprising moment at the school

Yesterday, Aaron, my son, invited me to be his guest at his Thanksgiving Feast. At this Thanksgiving Feast, all the students from my son's class were to be graded on their manners. His Social Studies unit was on Manners. I got to the feast, eventually found my seat and sat down. As the children came in, Aaron spotted me and came to sit next to me. (He gave me a great hug!) Aaron's teacher greeted the students and all the guests to the Thanksgiving Feast. She then told us, "In my family, we have the opportunity to share around the table at Thanksgiving all the blessings in life. We are going to do that here." Our side was first. Two other parents and their children went before me. I said, "I am so thankful for my son Aaron and his inviting me to this feast today." Aaron then said, "I am thankful for Dad." I was so moved by his sincerity. I love him dearly!

However, as we went around the room, I was ever so surprised to hear from multiple parents words like, "I am thankful for God and all his abundant blessings," or "I am thankful to God the Father Almighty and for His Son Jesus Christ." Wow, I thought I was back down on Baptist Road at Baldwin Community! Instead, I was at the public school! At this feast were people like the principal, the superintendent of schools and many parents. It was a moment of Thanksgiving for me to hear people outside of the church sharing their faith in Jesus Christ!

The world "out there" is not all as "bad" as society, media and other outlets portray it. As you may remember, Aaron is being taught by a woman who loves the Lord and I think it is making all the difference in the world as I heard parents share it! This I can thank God for at Thanksgiving and everyday.


Anonymous said...

There is no greater blessing than watching our children grown in grace and truth. Sacrifice for and cherish these moments...blessings of God!

Keith H. McIlwain said...

What a great moment!

I think you're right...the world may be inherently broken, and people may be continually self-seeking, but God's prevenient grace is always reaching out, pulling us toward his loving heart, and, in these chaotic times, people are looking for something more transcendent than what self and society can offer.

smkyqtzxtl said...

I once had a well meaning person ask me how it was that Christians could be called to teach in pagan public schools with pagan public school teachers and pagan children. What better place for us to be? We are called to be God's hands and feet in this world wherever we are placed, every one of us. Thanks so much for sharing this encouraging word.

smkyqtzxtl said...
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Jeff Kahl said...

Great to hear that there are still good schools out there that allow God's name to be praised!