Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Open Seating...A First for Me

Yesterday, I flew Southwest Airlines for the first time. Usually, I fly other airlines, but this was the first time I have ever used the open seating option.

Lining up was an experience in itself! I was one of the last people on the plane. I like window seats, so I found a window seat near the rear of the plane. Sitting down next to me was a business man. I said hello and he said hi. I opened up the book I was reading and I heard a mother and son talking in the aisle. It was the first time this young boy flew since he was very young. He was nervous and his mom was hoping to have two seats where they could sit together. The man next to me got up and said, "You can sit here." The little boy sat next to me and the mom sat on the aisle seat. Upon take-off, I asked him if this was his first time flying. He said yes. I asked him if he was from Pittsburgh and he said yes again. I then said, "Oh, so am I. What town do you live in?" He did not know. His mom said, "Whitehall." I smiled and said, "Wow, so am I!" I few more minutes passed in conversation and I said, "I'm a pastor, at Baldwin Community United Methodist Church, across from Caste Village." The mom smiled and said, "That's where my son went to preschool!" Again we smiled at just how small of a world this really is. The mom began to ask me if I knew some of the teachers. When she came to one teacher, I said, "The teacher you are talking about is at my house right now, babysitting our kids!" The mom then laughed because her daughter is dating our babysitter's son! Way too small of a world! Following about a 45 minutes conversation with the mom and her son from PSP's, Steeler Training Camp and even Alternative Worship, she said she might just come to church and check us out! I gave her the times of worship and said we would love to have them come.

I am thankful that the Spirit of God was at work with the "open seating" on Southwest! Thank God the business man got up and the mother and son sat down with me and we were able to talk church! God is good! All the time!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Opportunity

Monday morning I leave for Baltimore-D.C. area for a new opportunity: I have been accepted as a Lewis Fellow at Wesley Theological Seminary. The Lewis Fellowship http://www.churchleadership.com/programs/lewis_fellows08.htm will be a year in length with opportunities to travel to different parts of the country to meet with various church leaders. This first gathering will be focused on vision and leadership, two areas Allan Brooks and I are focusing on currently at Baldwin Community. I am truly excited but nervous at the same time for this awesome opportunity I have to grow in my ministry so that others may benefit. Please keep me, my family and our church family in prayer throughout this journey together.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Back to it!

Blessings Friends,

I'm back in blogland. It was a great couple of weeks away; refreshing ourselves after a very busy spring season. The Outer Banks was hot; a great place for a few dips in the pool. 16 members of my family went to the beach this year. We truly enjoyed every moment together.

I am happy to say that I did win the "Biggest Loser-St. Clair Edition!" I ended up losing 55 lbs or 19.7 % of my body weight. My brother-in-law, Eric was right behind me at 51 lbs or 17% body weight. My sisters lost 30 lbs and Jenn lost nearly 20lbs! My dad even lost .8% or 2 lbs!

What a great incentive this was to get me on track and eating right once again. Thanks Casey for the great suggestion!