Monday, October 08, 2012

Committed to Christ: Bible Reading

Good Afternoon Church Family,

Today was an incredible day of worship as we celebrated Worldwide Communion Sunday. At the 9:26 worship, our time of communion lifted the ministry of Kenny Hiser, missionary to India from our church. Kenny facebooked me this week and shared some of the breads that are common to the people of India. I thank Jill Todd for arranging the breads to be shared in communion! Next Sunday's Red Church offering will go to support Kenny Hiser's mission in India.

At 11:00, we celebrated the sacrament around the rail as we gave thanks for God's indescribable gift, Jesus Christ. We welcomed April Cox today on her first "official" Sunday as our new choir director.

In our message today, we centered upon 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Scripture is God-breathed and used for teaching. We connect with God in reading of the Scriptures and our able to share our hope and our salvation through the reading, hearing and sharing of God's Word.

We thank Larry Kretzler for sharing his story of the importance of Bible Reading with us at both worship services. Many of you turned in commitment cards for a life journey of Bible reading. Here are the results:

Week 2 Bible Reading

No, I am not ready to make a commitment today     0%  
No, I am not ready to start, but I want to with all my heart     0%
Yes, I will read the Bible sometimes       12%
Yes, I will read the Bible frequently      24%
Yes, I will read the Bible daily and I am ready for a structured plan of Bible reading  24%
Yes, and today I will begin reading the entire New Testament       3%
Yes, and today I will begin reading the entire Old Testament        3%
Yes, and I will sign up for a weekly small group to study the Bible together     5%
Yes, and I will look for additional opportunities to join a Bible study       7%

Reading the Bible will be a priority in my life, growing to include the following:
I will strive for my daily life to reflect the teachings of the Bible.  I will surround my family and friends the Scripture.  Through reading the Bible I will find strength, power, peace and direction to face the week.   20%

I am praying for you this week as you have committed in one or more of the areas above.

On another note, I am proud of our youth and its leaders after spending most of Saturday in Pittsburgh serving on the Northside at New Hope UMC. Great work Cherie, Kevin and youth!

It is with a sad heart that we accept the resignation of our Christian Education Director of 14 years, Mel Alston. Mel has been an integral part of the Christ Community Church staff sharing her many talents with children/youth/and adults during her time here. Mel has taken another position outside of the church and will be traveling quite extensively with Al and their son Jake, as he is being recruited for football by many colleges. We wish Mel God's greatest blessing as she journeys in a new direction and are grateful for her love and devotion for Christ Community over these last 14 years as our Christian Education Director.

Have a blessed week church family! It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor.

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