Monday, December 31, 2007
Have a Blessed New Year

Since my covenant brothers mocked me this morning for not being in blogland for awhile, here is a post.
Happy New Year and I pray you will experience the fullness of God's redeeming love given to us in Jesus Christ.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Coming To Baldwin Community This Sunday!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A surprising moment at the school
Yesterday, Aaron, my son, invited me to be his guest at his Thanksgiving Feast. At this Thanksgiving Feast, all the students from my son's class were to be graded on their manners. His Social Studies unit was on Manners. I got to the feast, eventually found my seat and sat down. As the children came in, Aaron spotted me and came to sit next to me. (He gave me a great hug!) Aaron's teacher greeted the students and all the guests to the Thanksgiving Feast. She then told us, "In my family, we have the opportunity to share around the table at Thanksgiving all the blessings in life. We are going to do that here." Our side was first. Two other parents and their children went before me. I said, "I am so thankful for my son Aaron and his inviting me to this feast today." Aaron then said, "I am thankful for Dad." I was so moved by his sincerity. I love him dearly!
However, as we went around the room, I was ever so surprised to hear from multiple parents words like, "I am thankful for God and all his abundant blessings," or "I am thankful to God the Father Almighty and for His Son Jesus Christ." Wow, I thought I was back down on Baptist Road at Baldwin Community! Instead, I was at the public school! At this feast were people like the principal, the superintendent of schools and many parents. It was a moment of Thanksgiving for me to hear people outside of the church sharing their faith in Jesus Christ!
The world "out there" is not all as "bad" as society, media and other outlets portray it. As you may remember http://jeffstclair.blogspot.com/2007/09/parent-night-at-school.html, Aaron is being taught by a woman who loves the Lord and I think it is making all the difference in the world as I heard parents share it! This I can thank God for at Thanksgiving and everyday.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Naps during the Sermon

Live to 100! Just don't get caught sleeping during the sermon on Sunday!
An Article by Dr. Maoshing Ni
This is one of my favorite longevity tips, but don't get the wrong idea! Sleeping your way to 100 means power naps. Power naps: 10, 20, 30 minutes a day really rejuvenate and refresh your body. Read on to discover how they factor into your longevity plans.Power Up with a Power NapA long-time tradition in Latin countries, a siesta is a great way to jumpstart the second half of your day. Famous nap enthusiasts have included some of the best minds in history, such as Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, and Thomas Edison.
What they knew was that a midday snooze - while seeming to be an unproductive use of time - could actually increase their effectiveness. Some of the reviving benefits of naps include enhanced cognitive function, better reaction time, more patience, stress relief, and better overall health.
So how long should your power nap be? It differs from person to person, but on average, a brief nap to revive the brain should be between 15 and 30 minutes.
What they knew was that a midday snooze - while seeming to be an unproductive use of time - could actually increase their effectiveness. Some of the reviving benefits of naps include enhanced cognitive function, better reaction time, more patience, stress relief, and better overall health.
So how long should your power nap be? It differs from person to person, but on average, a brief nap to revive the brain should be between 15 and 30 minutes.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Pray For One Another

Last week, as you have read in my previous post was a difficult week for my family. After posting last week, Dad had another major setback and almost died this past Friday. He received a certain shot in the ER at Presby and had a major setback with the crashcart used and being called to come in because we didn't know if Dad would make it. Thankfully, Dad made it and is home now recuperating from the last two weeks.
Last week, in the midst of this, my covenant group met me all the way down here in Bethel Park to pray and to help me get my "mind" off everything I/we were facing as a family. Thanks brothers for walking with me during a stressful time in my life. You will never know just how much the two hours of fellowship did for me. The prayers have meant so much. You, Brett,Greg,John, and Chris have been there for me and I pray I can be there for you.
This week, we need to lift up John and the people of Christ Church as they begin the 11:01 service. Much work is involved in starting a new service as we just began The Asbury Alternative in September. It's not easy trying to get everything into the right spot, making sure that every aspect of a worship plan is a go. Know that I will be praying for you as we serve in ministry together.
James 5:16 "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed." The Message
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Great Physician
God is good! All the time! My father took a very bad turn last Thursday evening and we spent most of the weekend and early this week in the hospital and eventually the Neuro ICU at Presby. Dad's neuropathy became severe, to the point he almost left this earth Friday and Saturday. He was in poor shape. Glory to God, dad is doing much better today and should be going home soon! There is much in this story, too much to share, but all I can say is that only God could provide the healing that dad experienced yesterday and today.
God is good! All the time!
God's Love,
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Nerve Of Some People...

My hardworking wife, Jennifer, has finished 99.9% of her course work at UPMC Shadyside. December 14th is graduation from nursing school. I couldn't be more proud of her especially since she is near the top of her class at every evaluation she takes. She is now starting her transition period which is like "student teaching" in the educational field.
Jennifer is assigned a preceptor "mentor" during this time of transition. She shadows this mentor during the entire period of transition. The mentor works this Saturday and Sunday. She works 7 a.m. -7 p.m.
Jennifer does not have to work the entire work week with the mentor. All she needs to do is work 24 hours a week. When Jennifer found out she had to work Sunday, she went to the instructor and asked if she could come in at noon and then work to 7 p.m. fulfilling her time requirement. When the mentor asked why she couldn't be in at 7 a.m. Jennifer replied, "I have church." The instructor then replied in a demeaning tone, "Nurses are 24/7." The instructor wouldn't budge. The instructor will not let Jennifer come in mid-way and finish out her hours for the week. Jennifer is frustrated. Has anyone out there faced this, and if so, what did you do?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Experiencing God at Macy's
Wow, what a cool day it has been! Not only outside, but in life too! Today was a day in my ministry that I have never experienced before. It was a day where our praise band, The Asbury Alternative http://www.asburyalternative.com/ went out and played nothing but Christian music to the customers at Macy's in Century III Mall.
Whew, the response was great! We passed out flyers, Macy's passed out cookies, and a electrifying vibe spread throughout the first floor of Macy's. Some comments were, "This band is good!" and "Is this band, the Macy's band? This is great that you can bring Christian music to this store today!"
May through God's music, using us, a hungry soul be nourished today.
Friday, October 12, 2007

Reading Dennis and Barbara Rainey's Moments Together For Couples today has given me much to ponder. Today, October 12th's reading is titled, Men and Work. In this short devotion, Barbara Rainey encourages wives to look at the importance of work in their husband's lives. Men feel satisfaction in their work, but all too often, husbands can be driven to push the envelope in terms of how much work one does.
At the same time, Rainey challenges wives to keep the husband in balance between work and family. I also challenge husbands to keep their working wives in balance too. How can we help one another keep a balanced perspective about our careers and family life?
God's Grace, Jeff
Friday, October 05, 2007
CROP Walk 2007 South Park

Blessings this day!
This Sunday the South Hills CROP Walk will resume after a year off. What a year it is going to be! I believe we have 25-30 walkers just from BCUMC! All ages too! Please keep the walk in prayer as we go to South Park to raise awareness and funds to eradicate hunger and poverty in our local area and throughout the world.
See you on Corrigan Drive in South Park Sunday!
God's Grace,
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Last evening, I had the opportunity to take five women from Baldwin Community UMC to listen to the Bishop speak. I was emotionally drained after spending most of the day officiating a funeral for a 20 year old girl who was killed in a car accident.
During the Bishop's talk, he spent time sharing about "connection." He gave personal testimony about the importance of connection in his life and a few others gave heartfelt witness to how God blessed them with "connection."
I needed to hear that yesterday. I was tired but that message spoke to me in the midst of my emotional fatigue.
I thank God for my "connection." I thank God for the church. I thank God for my co-workers in the fields. I thank God for my home church of Belle Vernon 1st who still supports me with prayers, cards, e-mails, visits, etc... I thank God for my covenant group who walks with me in ministry. I sure do thank God for my wife who gives me some great wisdom and love. I thank God for my children who are blessings to my wife and I. I thank God for my parents who raised me to love Jesus with all my heart. I thank God for my sisters and their families whom I love so dearly.
Guess what? I thank God for the "Connection."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hurtin World out There
Today I switched up my visitation schedule slightly. Normally I head out on the visiting trail in the afternoon, but I had a parishioner in AGH that was being discharged this morning. So after I dropped Abby off at daycare, I headed out. After visiting AGH and Mercy, I went to Jefferson Hospital for my last visit. I had a great visit with the parishioner.
On my way out, I witnessed a woman crying and was practically shouting out, "Can anyone take me home? I was in the ER and they released me. I have no money and no one will take me home."
I witnessed as I was coming closer to her that others were just walking by her giving her the cold shoulder. Something struck me hard in that moment. I just stopped and asked, "Are you ok?" She responded with the same question she asked earlier about finding a ride. I asked, "Where are you going?" She told me where she was going, actually near the church.
I told her I could take her there. Normally, I don't just pick up strangers. But this was different. She needed help. I was not going to just let this woman sit there in pain waiting for something to fall in her lap.
As we left I heard her say, "Oh, I am thirsty." We stopped in the drive thru at Chik-Fil-A. She thanked me many times for her coke (her husband works for Pepsi) As we were driving her phone rang. It was her husband. She told him a pastor was bringing her home and she was in good hands. After she hung up, her phone ran again. It was her doctor's office. As she explained her troubles, I felt so bad for her. Multiple health issues...former drug use and treatment... the list went on and on.
As we got closer to the house, she continued to thank me as she sipped on her coke. I told her I was just thankful I could have been there to help. I told her, "Normally, I am not there at lunchtime." She said, "I truly believe God put you in my life today for a reason. A good reason. Thank you for being a good person." I told her I would be praying for her and she got out of the van and went in her house to rest.
Now that I am serving in the city, I see more needs around me than I ever did. I see physical hurting, emotional hurting and people who are spiritually needy. As I drove into the North Side this am, I witnessed people in wheelchairs, homeless and in great need. As I walked out of Jefferson, I witnessed one who had all three hurts that I mentioned above. As I came back to the office, I heard over the phone and through e-mail the pain that some in the church family are experiencing. There is a need to be the light of Christ to a hurting world. Wow, did I see it today. I am thankful God used me and you today to give testimony of the hope Christ can bring.
John 17:20 Jesus said, "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony."
On my way out, I witnessed a woman crying and was practically shouting out, "Can anyone take me home? I was in the ER and they released me. I have no money and no one will take me home."
I witnessed as I was coming closer to her that others were just walking by her giving her the cold shoulder. Something struck me hard in that moment. I just stopped and asked, "Are you ok?" She responded with the same question she asked earlier about finding a ride. I asked, "Where are you going?" She told me where she was going, actually near the church.
I told her I could take her there. Normally, I don't just pick up strangers. But this was different. She needed help. I was not going to just let this woman sit there in pain waiting for something to fall in her lap.
As we left I heard her say, "Oh, I am thirsty." We stopped in the drive thru at Chik-Fil-A. She thanked me many times for her coke (her husband works for Pepsi) As we were driving her phone rang. It was her husband. She told him a pastor was bringing her home and she was in good hands. After she hung up, her phone ran again. It was her doctor's office. As she explained her troubles, I felt so bad for her. Multiple health issues...former drug use and treatment... the list went on and on.
As we got closer to the house, she continued to thank me as she sipped on her coke. I told her I was just thankful I could have been there to help. I told her, "Normally, I am not there at lunchtime." She said, "I truly believe God put you in my life today for a reason. A good reason. Thank you for being a good person." I told her I would be praying for her and she got out of the van and went in her house to rest.
Now that I am serving in the city, I see more needs around me than I ever did. I see physical hurting, emotional hurting and people who are spiritually needy. As I drove into the North Side this am, I witnessed people in wheelchairs, homeless and in great need. As I walked out of Jefferson, I witnessed one who had all three hurts that I mentioned above. As I came back to the office, I heard over the phone and through e-mail the pain that some in the church family are experiencing. There is a need to be the light of Christ to a hurting world. Wow, did I see it today. I am thankful God used me and you today to give testimony of the hope Christ can bring.
John 17:20 Jesus said, "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony."
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Parent Night at School
Tonight I had the opportunity to visit Aaron's third grade classroom. At Baldwin-Whitehall, the old days of Open House are no longer. Our proud children cannot take us on a tour of their classroom, locker or school. So Jennifer had the kids and it was my turn to be the parent attending Parent Night.
As I was the last one in the room at the end filling out my paper work (as always the case), Aaron's teacher said, "Oh, another lefty." I said, "Yes, another lefty. Don't you just love smearing ink and lead all over your hands?" She laughed and told me that she smears dry erase markers all over the board when she writes in class. I laughed and told the teacher that I used to have the same problem when I taught 1st grade in Florida. She then said she did not know I was a teacher. I told her that was my previous profession and God called me into pastoral ministry.
That started a conversation! She went on to tell me about her church and all the great things happening there. We shared our faith with each other tonight and was so pleased to hear that Aaron was being taught this year by a born again Christian woman whose love for Christ Jesus is evident.
It has been such a joy since Sunday's kickoff service to hear of the wonderful stories how Baldwin's parishioners have been sharing their faith this week in the world we live. I ministered to a dying parishioner and her family today at Asbury Heights. As we held hands, read Scripture, laughed and shed tears, I was pleased to hear how this woman shares her faith to all the staff at Asbury Heights. In the midst of one of life's most intimate journeys, this one individual still shares the love of Christ with all she meets.
How have you witnessed those people in life sharing their faith to all they meet? Have people witnessed the same by you and your actions? Thank God for Aaron's teacher and the parishioner I ministered today. Thank God for their ministering to me.
Monday, September 10, 2007
After a Long Long Long Vacation

Thanks for all the well wishes during my long, long, long vacation! I signed off of blogland right before heading to the Outer Banks. During my two week vacation, I knew in the back of my head that August would look somewhat of a blur to me. It really was just that, a blur!!
Almost a year ago, we began praying for God's leading in developing an alternative service at Baldwin Community. Back then, I thought September 9 was a long way off! Wow, how time flies right by. After a year of prayer and preparation, The Asbury Alternative, http://www.asburyalternative.com/ got off to a most blessed start! Yesterday, we had our first worship service and there was no greater sense of thankgiving by seeing many chairs being added to the existing chairs already in place five minutes before the worship began.
The band rocked, the crowd was in tune to the leading of God's Holy Spirit, and I was just floored by the level of excitement this worship brought to God and to all of God's people.
We faced many obstacles in the week prior to the first Sunday. Our lead keyboard, had to take on many more responsibilities at work and had to resign from playing, our lead guitarist, was in the hospital for a potential heart attack, equipment was not in on time, as it was backordered. Satan had a real desire to thwart this opportunity. But the prayers to our God kept coming. We were not going to give up, even if it meant me and our drummer. By week's end, we had a full band. All positions were filled! Our lead quitarist did not have a heart attack! Praise God! We even found (after a year searching) our bass guitarist by mid-week. This group bonded together in such a most awesome way. All equipment was in and installed by Wednesday!
Thank you all for praying for the start of this new service. Your prayers were certainly answered. It was a true joy for all to be a part of something so new and fresh yesterday. After a year of planning for September 9, 2007, I told the band, "Yes, we do have worship on September 16th!"
Thursday, July 19, 2007
This Time, It's Vacation

I will be away from Blogland for two weeks. Off to the beach with many from my side of the family for some R & R and to play with our three dear kiddos (cannot wait!). Jennifer unfortunately has to stay back with nursing school, but we are hoping to take another trip when she finishes in December. See you all in two weeks!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
SPLAT 2007
The mission work... a blessing. The worship...exhilarating. The bands...awesome. The youth...indescribable!
These are just a few of the many adjectives to describe the SPLAT 2007 trip to Oak Hill, WV and then to Greensboro, NC. Our youth were overly excited as we departed for this trip! I was still wallowing in the joy of last Sunday's worship experience. As we drove through West Virginia, my thoughts slowly began to turn towards the next journey of mission work in an area that I have heard to be economically depressed.
We pulled into Oak Hill to a warm greeting by a few members of Oak Hill UMC and a nice sign in the front church lawn that had Baldwin's name on it. The youth were so very excited! Monday and Tuesday morning we had the opportunity to serve two local families. The first, we painted the roof of the family in need. The girls did this since this pastor has a little more meat on the bones! The girls did an excellent job with some of the messiest paint known to the human race.
The second family we served were in need of a fence. Their four year old daughter who has some mental disabilities needed a fence in the yard to keep her from falling into a small creek in the back yard. These youth worked and worked until the end of the second day, never grumbling about the 90+ heat and the long bouts of hammering that accompanied building a fence.
We departed for Greensboro Wednesday morning. Words cannot descibe the SPLAT Conference. It was awesome in every sense. (I got to hear one of my favorite bands, Kutless!)
http://www.kutless.com/ It brought me great joy to see the youth of BCUMC and from all around the world, joining together to worship the Lord God Almighty, through prayer, fellowship, music, the Word and through many other means.
It was great to see many from our Conference, like John Shaver, Cindy Bloise, Bishop and Sally Bickerton with their boys, Nick and TJ. It was great to meet other members of WPA Conference as well like the team from Lower Burrell (we greeted them everyday!)
God certainly had his hand on this trip and to God be the glory for the great things he has done!
Friday, July 06, 2007
But Dad... I Just Started Blogging!

I know... here we go again. Another time away from blogging. Maybe not 8 months. Ok, just a week. I am preparing to lead Baldwin Community's youth on a youth mission trip/conference beginning Sunday. The youth will spend three days in Oak Hill, WV on a mission project with members of Oak Hill United Methodist Church. This will be a great opportunity for each of us as we endeavor to serve Christ Jesus in certain ways that will touch others as our youth have not been accustomed to witnessing. God has done some wonderful works in our preparation for this trip (thanks brother John Shaver for helping!)
Following the mission part, each of us will go to Greensboro, NC for the SPLAT 2007 Worldwide United Methodist Youth Conference. This will be one awesome opportunity for us as we get to meet youth from all around the world and some even in our own backyard! It is my hope to see the youth find joy in Conferencing. As one who enjoys the fellowship of Annual Conference, I pray that each of these youth will develop 1) a stronger relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ and 2) a greater appreciation for each other and for the body of believers within the Conference. We all have something in common; our faith in Jesus Christ! Wir Sun Bruder!
Until next week...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy Fourth
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
This Fw: Made Me Think

Leaders vs. Followers
When leaders make a mistake, they say, "I was wrong."
When followers make mistakes, they say, "It wasn't my fault."
A leader works harder than a follower and has more time;
a follower is always "too busy" to do what is necessary.
A leader goes through a problem;
a follower goes around it and never gets past it.
A leader makes and keeps commitments;
a follower makes and forgets promises.
A leader says, "I'm good, but not as good as I ought to be;"
a follower says, "I'm not as bad as a lot of other people."
Leaders listen;
followers just wait until it's their turn to talk.
Leaders respect those who are superior to them and try to learn something from them;
followers resent those who are superior to them and try to find chinks in their armor.
Leaders feel responsible for more than their job;
followers say, "I only work here."
A leader says, "There ought to be a better way to do this;"
followers say, "That's the way it's always been done here."
I received this from our Administrative Coordinator, Susie. Susie attached this with our staff minutes today. I read this for the first time today. I paused prior to a meeting I had to reflect upon my own leadership in the church. Where in this forward am I? I pray that I am a committed follower of Jesus Christ that can serve and lead His people. Thanks Susie for allowing me to reflect... "Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant... For even I the Son of Man, came here not to be served, but to serve others." Mark 10:43-45
When leaders make a mistake, they say, "I was wrong."
When followers make mistakes, they say, "It wasn't my fault."
A leader works harder than a follower and has more time;
a follower is always "too busy" to do what is necessary.
A leader goes through a problem;
a follower goes around it and never gets past it.
A leader makes and keeps commitments;
a follower makes and forgets promises.
A leader says, "I'm good, but not as good as I ought to be;"
a follower says, "I'm not as bad as a lot of other people."
Leaders listen;
followers just wait until it's their turn to talk.
Leaders respect those who are superior to them and try to learn something from them;
followers resent those who are superior to them and try to find chinks in their armor.
Leaders feel responsible for more than their job;
followers say, "I only work here."
A leader says, "There ought to be a better way to do this;"
followers say, "That's the way it's always been done here."
I received this from our Administrative Coordinator, Susie. Susie attached this with our staff minutes today. I read this for the first time today. I paused prior to a meeting I had to reflect upon my own leadership in the church. Where in this forward am I? I pray that I am a committed follower of Jesus Christ that can serve and lead His people. Thanks Susie for allowing me to reflect... "Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant... For even I the Son of Man, came here not to be served, but to serve others." Mark 10:43-45
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Ah... Time away...
Yes, I am back after a great week of camping at Tub Run on the Yough Lake. It was my first time camping in almost 25 years. Dad and Mom used to take us many times as children, but this was the first time, I had to go as "dad." It is amazing what dad and mom did for us as children. I now know what "dad" has to do in order to make camping successful! We did not have running water at the site nor did we have electric, but we made the best of it and enjoyed every moment of the camping experience. I would have to say, as "dad", it was well worth it. Watching your children grow in the experiences as you had as a child, makes for a bright spot in your heart. I had great opportunities to just talk with my children as we rode bikes, walked on our hikes (which I fell) and had opportunities to sit around the campfire at night. On our last evening at camp, Aaron was laying next to me in the tent as the girls were already asleep and Aaron said, "Daddy, you're a great preacher. Maybe God will call me to be a teacher and then a preacher." I told Aaron, "I will be proud of you no matter what and who you become. I am proud of you now. I would be so happy to see you become a preacher, listen to God calling you. He smiled and we went to sleep. What a great ending to an awesome trip. Thank God for rest.
Yes, I am back after a great week of camping at Tub Run on the Yough Lake. It was my first time camping in almost 25 years. Dad and Mom used to take us many times as children, but this was the first time, I had to go as "dad." It is amazing what dad and mom did for us as children. I now know what "dad" has to do in order to make camping successful! We did not have running water at the site nor did we have electric, but we made the best of it and enjoyed every moment of the camping experience. I would have to say, as "dad", it was well worth it. Watching your children grow in the experiences as you had as a child, makes for a bright spot in your heart. I had great opportunities to just talk with my children as we rode bikes, walked on our hikes (which I fell) and had opportunities to sit around the campfire at night. On our last evening at camp, Aaron was laying next to me in the tent as the girls were already asleep and Aaron said, "Daddy, you're a great preacher. Maybe God will call me to be a teacher and then a preacher." I told Aaron, "I will be proud of you no matter what and who you become. I am proud of you now. I would be so happy to see you become a preacher, listen to God calling you. He smiled and we went to sleep. What a great ending to an awesome trip. Thank God for rest.
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