Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Great Physician

God is good! All the time! My father took a very bad turn last Thursday evening and we spent most of the weekend and early this week in the hospital and eventually the Neuro ICU at Presby. Dad's neuropathy became severe, to the point he almost left this earth Friday and Saturday. He was in poor shape. Glory to God, dad is doing much better today and should be going home soon! There is much in this story, too much to share, but all I can say is that only God could provide the healing that dad experienced yesterday and today.

God is good! All the time!


God's Love,


Anonymous said...

Awesome news! Grace and Peace, John

Brett Probert said...

This is fantismo...please keep us posted and we'll keep praying for your dad...a great man!

Eric Park said...

We stand with you and your family, brother, in love and prayer.

Keith H. McIlwain said...

We have been pryaing for your folks; thanks for sharing the wonderful news!

Randy Roda said...

Praying for your dad and your family.

Greg Cox said...


Michelle's Musings said...

Jeff, your dad & family are in our prayers.

Jeff Kahl said...

Praise God for His healing touch.
Will be praying for you......

Jim Kimmel said...

Didn't know about your dad, but praise God he's doing better. Blessings on him and all your folks.