Last evening, I had the opportunity to take five women from Baldwin Community UMC to listen to the Bishop speak. I was emotionally drained after spending most of the day officiating a funeral for a 20 year old girl who was killed in a car accident.
During the Bishop's talk, he spent time sharing about "connection." He gave personal testimony about the importance of connection in his life and a few others gave heartfelt witness to how God blessed them with "connection."
I needed to hear that yesterday. I was tired but that message spoke to me in the midst of my emotional fatigue.
I thank God for my "connection." I thank God for the church. I thank God for my co-workers in the fields. I thank God for my home church of Belle Vernon 1st who still supports me with prayers, cards, e-mails, visits, etc... I thank God for my covenant group who walks with me in ministry. I sure do thank God for my wife who gives me some great wisdom and love. I thank God for my children who are blessings to my wife and I. I thank God for my parents who raised me to love Jesus with all my heart. I thank God for my sisters and their families whom I love so dearly.
Guess what? I thank God for the "Connection."
Me too...and I thank God that you're part of it!
We thank God together. Good to hear so many positive things about Baldwin!
Connection... thats one of the reasons for the blogroll. I really appreciate hearing from my brothers and sisters in ministry. Thanks Jeff.
Thanx for sharing about how what we do impacts many others in the kingdom of God.
Amen...glad to be in Connection with you brother!
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