Saturday, January 05, 2019

Longleaf Church to Launch!

It's been on our hearts for 2 1/2 years. God has been equipping us for this launch for quite some time. This past week, through much prayer and discernment, we made the decision to launch Easter Sunday, April 21 at Freedom Crossing Academy!

Please pray for us as we make this giant step into the church launch realm! I believe God is preparing us for a season of incredible hope, joy, and love as we have been called to be used by God to transform lives!

Below is the article that went out on Friday, detailing some of our launch information!

Longleaf Church, a branch of Mandarin United Methodist Church, has set its date for launch of weekly worship in St. Johns County!

The launch is Sunday, April 21, 2019!
Easter Sunday!

This past Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at 4:00 p.m., members of Longleaf Church's Know, Grow, Go and Core Leadership Teams gathered for a time of prayer and discernment as to when to launch.

This team met at Freedom Crossing Academy, Aberdeen's new K-8 school in St. Johns, just off Longleaf Pine Parkway.

Pastors Debbie McLeod and Jeff St. Clair, along with this group of laity, discussed the benefits and risks of launching in April vs. launching at a later date in 2019.

After a time of individual prayer and corporate prayer, it was agreed upon, that Longleaf Church would launch on Easter Sunday, April 21.

Longleaf Church has already started preparing for a launch in April. The Know, Grow, Go and Core Leadership Teams have been meeting now for a year to prepare for this launch. Much will still need to occur to ensure a successful launch of Longleaf Church.

Many have asked what will Sunday mornings look like at Longleaf Church. Below you will find our tentative morning schedule along with detail of our children and youth ministries that will develop.

Worship: (At Freedom Crossing Academy) 1365 Shetland Drive St. Johns, FL 32259

9 a.m. - Traditional Worship - Singing of Traditional Hymns, Possible Choir, Acolytes, live preaching.
10 a.m. - Children and Youth Sunday School Classes (Adults will not have Sunday School, but will be engaged in small groups throughout the week/weekend)
11 a.m. - Contemporary Worship - Live Band, Live Preaching
(Nursery Care at both services)

Children and Youth Ministries:
A frequently asked question has been raised many times: Will Longleaf Church have Children and Youth Ministries? The answer is yes. However, it will be a joined ministry of Longleaf and Mandarin as we are ONE Church in Two Locations. Since we are beginning Longleaf, we will not have the resourcing to provide all activities. Large group activities will be held with Mandarin. For example, youth trips will be together. Youth large group activities will be together. Some of the large group activities will be held at the Mandarin Campus and some will occur in the Longleaf area. Small groups & Sunday School will be held at both locations.

Children's Ministries will follow the same manner.

Longleaf Church is committed to the mission and vision of Mandarin/Longleaf -

Transforming Lives by...
* Loving God and Neighbor
* Touching Hearts for God
* Equipping the Young

In the words of 9 year old Genevieve Then, who attended the prayer meeting on January 2:

"We should launch the new church and help people that do not believe in God and that do not know Jesus. We need to help bring God and Jesus into their hearts and spread the Word."
 If you would like to be a part of Longleaf Church's activities and worship, you are welcome to join us!

*If you would like to volunteer at Longleaf in a new area of ministry, contact Pastor Jeff St. Clair at .
* If you would like to become a part of a small group, contact Camille Wilson at .
* To find out more about Longleaf Church, visit us at or Visit us on Facebook at "Longleaf Church St. Johns."

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