Sunday, December 09, 2012

Turning Christmas Upside Down: Give More

Good Afternoon Church Family and Online Community,

I pray you are well and blessed today! It was a great day for worship. We have seen many coming to our church from our community recently! It has been great getting to know new faces at both services! If you see an unfamiliar face, take a moment to give them a great Christ Community welcome!

At the 9:26, we welcomed Bailey Nicole for Baptism. She is the beautiful daughter of Tony and Alisa. It was a beautiful baptism and their family was here to celebrate! 

Our focus this Sunday was on the Advent Conspiracy: Give More. In the message, I was not advocating giving more gifts, however, our focus was on giving more "presence." Offering ourselves in the light of Christ to others is one way we can creatively give more. We shared some different ways to give, one being to go to Wal-Mart and offer to pay anonymously someone's lay away balance. Simply walk to the layaway department and ask the clerk that you would like to pay for someone's layaway balance. That's just one way we can "Turn Christmas Upside Down" this Christmas.

This week, we have the joy of going to Wal-Mart to spread Christmas cheer! This Wednesday, December 12, we will meet in front of Wal-Mart (Grocery Side) and sing carols to our community as they shop! We will meet there at 6:45 p.m. If you're hungry on Wednesday, we have a potluck dinner scheduled for 5:30 p.m. We will meet in Oz Hall for dinner! All are welcome!

Have a blessed week church! Know how blessed I am to serve and lead as your pastor.

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