Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Eye Roll

Let's have some Christmas spirit. This morning, I left early to officiate a funeral in West Virginia. It was a bit of a road trip so I thought I would fill up my new Sheetz mug (thanks Allan for the mug!) in Canonsburg and then jump on I-79 and make the rest of the way south. Sheetz was normally busy for that time of morning and I had on my suit, long coat and a donut in hand and my mug of coffee. The line was all the way back to the coffee table. I saw a man, with his coffee and I said, "Go ahead, you were before me." He looked me in the eye, looked me up and down and then rolled his eyes in disgust. 
Is there that much hatred and anger in the world we live? I smiled and just got behind him. We celebrate Christmas this week. We celebrate the Prince of Peace that came to us; Emmanuel, God with us. May our hearts be in tune to the peace that Christ offers us. Pray for the heart of the man who wanted to "hate" me this morning. I ask that the peace of Christ will penetrate his heart so that he can experience the joy that Jesus offers us. 

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