Good Afternoon Church Family and Online Community!
What a beautiful day of worship it was at Christ Community! We truly were blessed as we experienced some of the ministries of the church engaged in worship and throughout the day. Our Sing Out Loud! Children and Youth Choir brought smiles to both worshipping bodies as they sang, "We are Marching!" Thanks to Jon Pincek for his leadership with our children and youth!
Our praise band did a great job today leading us in worship at the 9:26.
Our 11:00 a.m. traditional had the joy of listening to Deb Pincek and Marilyn Stephenson in a piano/organ duet throughout worship! It was beautiful!
Following both services, Oz Hall was open to fellowship with each other! A special thank you to Deb Pincek who decorated, and provided the refreshments for the day!
At worship, we remembered the Saints who have gone before us over the last year. We remember with gratitude, Rev. Cloyd "Oz" Osborne, Dorothy Miller, Harold Morse, Linda Sams, and Pauline Hawk. Their lives made an impact on us in so many ways. Thank God for their life and witness. We recognized Alberta Osborne's work on a wall hanging in memory of her husband "Oz" and all those who entered the Church Triumphant this year. Thank you Alberta for a most loving gift to the church.
Our worship centered on Commitment to Christ: Service. The text came from Romans 12:11-13. We are called to not be lazy in our work but to serve Christ and others enthusiastically. Thank you for bringing your pledges forward as we prayerfully discern where God calls us to go as a church in 2013.
Church, we have an immediate need to serve. If you wish to donate monetarily towards cleaning buckets, you may do so. Simply mark your check in the memo, "UMCOR Cleaning Buckets." Dr. Bob Todd, Outreach Chair, will purchase all the necessary items for the buckets and we will assemble buckets on Saturday, November 17 along with our annual Sausage sale. The buckets will be assembled downstairs in the education classes. (A great day to come and share your gifts!) If you wish to put together a cleaning bucket on your own, you may do that also. The list of needed items can be found by going to Cleaning Kit Recipe
Another way to give... A special offering on November 18 will be held to go to UMCOR Hurricane Sandy Advance. May we continue to be in prayer for those affected by this life-altering storm.
Have a blessed week church! It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor!
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