Sunday, November 18, 2012

An Active Church Life...

Good Afternoon Church Family and Online Community!

I can literally say how exhausted I am after this weekend. Not only me, but I heard from many of you in worship today how you took pain relievers to help with the sore muscles, back aches and bones! You deserve a break!

It was a great weekend around the church! The church hosted its annual whole hog sausage sale on Saturday as it was one of the largest sales in our history! People from everywhere came by to get their fresh sausage, just in time for the holiday season! Thanks to everyone who made this sausage sale one of the best yet! We had all kinds of help from cutters to lunch makers! It's great to see so many from the church come together! I heard from many church family members that they had such a great time sharing fellowship! (Thanks Kevin Loomis for the pictures!)

click on picture to enlarge

Saturday was not only the sausage sale. We also raised nearly $2500 for flood buckets from the needs of Hurricane Sandy. Saturday was the assembling of these kits. Thanks to Dr. Bob Todd for organizing the effort and getting everyone coming together to assemble. Many people left church today with empty flood buckets to take to their places of employment, etc... to fill. Thank you for taking time to fill these extras! 

In worship, we gave thanks to God for the opportunities we have been blessed with to give and receive. This church has truly demonstrated time and time again, the joy in giving with a grateful heart. Our Sunday School classes made cards for our Butler Twp. teachers, EMT's. Firefighters, Police and Township officials. Thank you kids! Also, in this week of Thanksgiving, our church has made some 1000 cookies to send to these different agencies and schools. You're awesome! May this be just a token of our appreciation for all that these groups do for us to teach and to keep us safe. Thanks to the many who stayed after worship to assemble the many trays. 

In worship, we also celebrated our Prayer Shawl Ministry and welcomed new members. We welcome Megan McCleary and Jordan Gibson who join our church family membership! They are a blessing to our church family! 

There will be NO Wednesday Night dinner and classes this week. Happy Thanksgiving! It has been a true, true joy to serve and lead as your pastor over this weekend! Be blessed!

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