Monday, October 22, 2012

Commitment to Christ: Witness

Good Afternoon Church Family!

I pray you are enjoying some incredibly beautiful weather today! 70+ all week long! How awesome! Take time to revel in God's creation!

Yesterday was Laity Sunday throughout The United Methodist Church and our laity here at Christ Community did an outstanding job of leading worship! A special thank you is extended to Larry Kretzler, who shared the message at both services and to a host of other laity who participated in many ways! Our laity's gifts and graces are a joy to watch in action!

Our focus yesterday was on Commitment to Christ: Witness. Following worship, Larry invited everyone to place your commitment cards for witnessing on the plate in the rear of the sanctuary. Here are the results of your prayerful consideration of witnessing:

Commitment Cards - Week 4 - Witness

No, Today I am not ready to make a commitment. 0%
Not now, but maybe someday. 0%
Not now, but I want to with all my heart. 0%
Yes, I will share my faith sometimes. 13%
Yes, I will share my faith frequently. 25%
Yes, I will look for daily opportunities to share about Jesus.   43%
Yes, and telling others about Jesus will become a priority in my life:   19%

May the Lord continue to use you as a witness to the joy and love that is ours in Jesus Christ. May you be a light to the world!

Mark your calendars! November 4 is Ministry Celebration Sunday! We will celebrate the ministries of our Church! We will also take time to remember, with a grateful heart those lives from our church who have entered the church triumphant over the past year. I invite you to be a part of the day at the 9:26 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. worship services.

Yesterday, we celebrated the Blessing of the Animals! A special thank you is extended to Cheryl Livengood and her mom, Mary for hosting the day for our church and community! It was a beautiful day and all the pets sort of... got along!

Check out these pictures! Thanks to Mary Livengood and Alayna & Abby St. Clair for their photography!
Click on pictures to enlarge

Have a blessed week church and online community! It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor. 

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