Monday, October 15, 2012

Commitment To Christ: Faithful Worship Attendance

Good Morning Church and Online Community!

Blessings to each of you this day! I hope you had the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the weekend. It was such a beautiful time to enjoy this time of year. Worship was a great part of the weekend! In worship, our Committed to Christ series centered us upon Faithful Worship Attendance.
Our text came from Hebrews 10:24-25.
24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Our focus was on the importance of the body never neglecting the opportunity to meet together. The necessity of stirring one another to love and good works is essential in the life of the church. It is vital to encourage one another and be present, not only physically, but in mind and spirit too. Mary Spence shared her story as to how at a moment in her life, worship was not always a priority, but when she came to Christ Community awhile back with her son Tim, the church here embraced her, stirred her to love and good works and she and Tim used their gifts in ministry to encourage each other. We thank Mary for speaking and also speaking for Tim, who had a previous engagement.

Below are the percentages our church is willing to make towards a step in commitment to faithful worship attendance! The percentages are promising! If you have not considered this commitment, I ask that you prayerfully consider taking a step forward in faithful worship attendance.

Week 3: Worship

Today, I am not ready to make a commitment 0
I will attend worship three to six times a year 0
I will attend worship once a month 0
I will attend worship twice a month                 2%
I will attend worship three times a month 2%
I will attend worship four times a month 30%
As my health permits, I will never miss worship 24%
Worship will be a priority in my life, growing to include the following… 41%

I will be passionate about worship as a true priority of my life. Bad weather, sports, or holidays will not keep me from at- tending worship. I will prepare the day before, so that I can arrive at worship without last-minute rushing. I will warmly greet those who sit around me. I will surround my friends and family with worship. Through worship I will seek to find strength, power, and direction to face the week.

Church, next Sunday is Laity Sunday and our theme will be, "Witness." 

Also, make sure you go to this week to bid on the quilt our church ladies made! All proceeds go to Sari Bari. Thank you ladies for your effort! 

Pat McClellan spoke yesterday regarding his grandson Carson's golf outing on October 29. For more information regarding the golf outing, go to
God's Hand on Carson's Care Golf Outing 

Were you able to watch Felix Baumgartner yesterday? The world got to see history being made from the edge of going into space! 

Baumgartner, according to preliminary data, had an exit altitude of 128,100 ft, a free fall of 4 min 20 seconds. for a distance of 119,846 feet. Baumgartner achieved a maximum velocity of 373 meters per second, 833.9 miles per hour, faster than the speed of sound, or Mach 1.24. World records in many areas! Such a sight to see. Felix was passionate about his pursuit of this endeavor! 

Church, may we share the same kind of passion to stir one another to love and good works and never neglect the opportunity to meet with one another! It is a blessing to serve and lead as your pastor! 

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