Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Great Physician

God is good! All the time! My father took a very bad turn last Thursday evening and we spent most of the weekend and early this week in the hospital and eventually the Neuro ICU at Presby. Dad's neuropathy became severe, to the point he almost left this earth Friday and Saturday. He was in poor shape. Glory to God, dad is doing much better today and should be going home soon! There is much in this story, too much to share, but all I can say is that only God could provide the healing that dad experienced yesterday and today.

God is good! All the time!


God's Love,

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Nerve Of Some People...

My hardworking wife, Jennifer, has finished 99.9% of her course work at UPMC Shadyside. December 14th is graduation from nursing school. I couldn't be more proud of her especially since she is near the top of her class at every evaluation she takes. She is now starting her transition period which is like "student teaching" in the educational field.

Jennifer is assigned a preceptor "mentor" during this time of transition. She shadows this mentor during the entire period of transition. The mentor works this Saturday and Sunday. She works 7 a.m. -7 p.m.

Jennifer does not have to work the entire work week with the mentor. All she needs to do is work 24 hours a week. When Jennifer found out she had to work Sunday, she went to the instructor and asked if she could come in at noon and then work to 7 p.m. fulfilling her time requirement. When the mentor asked why she couldn't be in at 7 a.m. Jennifer replied, "I have church." The instructor then replied in a demeaning tone, "Nurses are 24/7." The instructor wouldn't budge. The instructor will not let Jennifer come in mid-way and finish out her hours for the week. Jennifer is frustrated. Has anyone out there faced this, and if so, what did you do?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Experiencing God at Macy's

Wow, what a cool day it has been! Not only outside, but in life too! Today was a day in my ministry that I have never experienced before. It was a day where our praise band, The Asbury Alternative http://www.asburyalternative.com/ went out and played nothing but Christian music to the customers at Macy's in Century III Mall.

Whew, the response was great! We passed out flyers, Macy's passed out cookies, and a electrifying vibe spread throughout the first floor of Macy's. Some comments were, "This band is good!" and "Is this band, the Macy's band? This is great that you can bring Christian music to this store today!"

May through God's music, using us, a hungry soul be nourished today.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Reading Dennis and Barbara Rainey's Moments Together For Couples today has given me much to ponder. Today, October 12th's reading is titled, Men and Work. In this short devotion, Barbara Rainey encourages wives to look at the importance of work in their husband's lives. Men feel satisfaction in their work, but all too often, husbands can be driven to push the envelope in terms of how much work one does.

At the same time, Rainey challenges wives to keep the husband in balance between work and family. I also challenge husbands to keep their working wives in balance too. How can we help one another keep a balanced perspective about our careers and family life?

God's Grace, Jeff

Friday, October 05, 2007

CROP Walk 2007 South Park

Blessings this day!

This Sunday the South Hills CROP Walk will resume after a year off. What a year it is going to be! I believe we have 25-30 walkers just from BCUMC! All ages too! Please keep the walk in prayer as we go to South Park to raise awareness and funds to eradicate hunger and poverty in our local area and throughout the world.

See you on Corrigan Drive in South Park Sunday!

God's Grace,


Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Last evening, I had the opportunity to take five women from Baldwin Community UMC to listen to the Bishop speak. I was emotionally drained after spending most of the day officiating a funeral for a 20 year old girl who was killed in a car accident.

During the Bishop's talk, he spent time sharing about "connection." He gave personal testimony about the importance of connection in his life and a few others gave heartfelt witness to how God blessed them with "connection."

I needed to hear that yesterday. I was tired but that message spoke to me in the midst of my emotional fatigue.

I thank God for my "connection." I thank God for the church. I thank God for my co-workers in the fields. I thank God for my home church of Belle Vernon 1st who still supports me with prayers, cards, e-mails, visits, etc... I thank God for my covenant group who walks with me in ministry. I sure do thank God for my wife who gives me some great wisdom and love. I thank God for my children who are blessings to my wife and I. I thank God for my parents who raised me to love Jesus with all my heart. I thank God for my sisters and their families whom I love so dearly.

Guess what? I thank God for the "Connection."