Below are excerpts from the letter and announcement I delivered to the beautiful and loving people of Christ Community United Methodist Church in worship earlier today. I wish to thank Dr. Chris Cole, Church Council Chair and Mrs. Stacey Burk, Staff/Parish Relations Committee Chair for their leadership as they shared words of affirmation and direction today in worship.
I write this to you as one who has truly been grateful for the prayers of the faithful over this past year as we have been able to learn so much more about our son Aaron’s health issues.
Many of you have kept our family in prayer as we have dealt with many respiratory health concerns with our son, Aaron. Aaron is a 14 year old boy who loves life to the fullest. When he is healthy, he can be found running and playing like any other 14 year old. When he is sick, he cannot do much of anything, including finding the strength to do basic necessities. When Aaron is sick, he is confined to the the house or sometimes in the hospital until he recovers. The battle going on within his body is threatening to his overall long-term health as he has battled pneumonia seven times in just the last two winters.
Out of respect for Aaron’s personal health concerns, I will not go into depth about all of the specifics of Aaron’s multiple complications, but will, however shed light that is leading to the writing of this letter to you.
During the past two years, Jennifer, Aaron, and I have been blessed by having the opportunity to work with a wonderful pulmonology team consisting of top doctors, nurses, and researchers from across the country. Throughout this time, we have been slowly learning about Aaron’s respiratory health issues. Some of this information confirmed our observations over the past 14 years and some information surprised us greatly. To make a very long story short, we have seen a pattern of severe chronic respiratory illness during the cold, dry winter months. During these times of the year, Aaron suffers multiple pneumonias, sinus infections, and extreme and disabling fatigue. As a result of these illnesses, Aaron misses significant amounts of school and his quality of life during these times is very poor. In order to provide our son with an improved quality of life and decrease the chances of developing permanent damage to his respiratory system, we must make decisions that are in his best interests to sustain a life that will be as free of sickness as possible.
As parents, Jennifer and I must make decisions that will have the best interests of our children at heart. Decisions that are not always easy. In the end, though, we have to do what we now know is best for our son. We have been blessed with three amazing children and are called, as parents, to give them the life they deserve, free of health concerns, if possible.
Aaron has always responded well to warm or hot and humid weather. Aaron’s body is completely healthy in warm or hot and humid weather. We feel, to give Aaron a life in a consistently warm, humid climate is the type of life he needs in order to sustain a healthy life. We want Aaron free of those things that hold him from living a normal, healthy life. Therefore, we are in the process of relocating to Florida, a climate that will best suit his overall, long-term health.
I am writing this to make you aware that this affects my appointment as your pastor. It was our hope, when we arrived to Butler: Christ Community, that we would be here for a long time. Each of us can make all the plans we want, but truly, we never know what each new day will bring. The realities we face are the things we ultimately have to attend to. When we began to find so many more specifics regarding Aaron in the last nine months, we began to confirm that this demographic area, based on climate and other pollutants is not the best place to give Aaron the life he deserves.
Out of respect for Aaron’s personal health concerns, I will not go into depth about all of the specifics of Aaron’s multiple complications, but will, however shed light that is leading to the writing of this letter to you.
During the past two years, Jennifer, Aaron, and I have been blessed by having the opportunity to work with a wonderful pulmonology team consisting of top doctors, nurses, and researchers from across the country. Throughout this time, we have been slowly learning about Aaron’s respiratory health issues. Some of this information confirmed our observations over the past 14 years and some information surprised us greatly. To make a very long story short, we have seen a pattern of severe chronic respiratory illness during the cold, dry winter months. During these times of the year, Aaron suffers multiple pneumonias, sinus infections, and extreme and disabling fatigue. As a result of these illnesses, Aaron misses significant amounts of school and his quality of life during these times is very poor. In order to provide our son with an improved quality of life and decrease the chances of developing permanent damage to his respiratory system, we must make decisions that are in his best interests to sustain a life that will be as free of sickness as possible.
As parents, Jennifer and I must make decisions that will have the best interests of our children at heart. Decisions that are not always easy. In the end, though, we have to do what we now know is best for our son. We have been blessed with three amazing children and are called, as parents, to give them the life they deserve, free of health concerns, if possible.
Aaron has always responded well to warm or hot and humid weather. Aaron’s body is completely healthy in warm or hot and humid weather. We feel, to give Aaron a life in a consistently warm, humid climate is the type of life he needs in order to sustain a healthy life. We want Aaron free of those things that hold him from living a normal, healthy life. Therefore, we are in the process of relocating to Florida, a climate that will best suit his overall, long-term health.
I am writing this to make you aware that this affects my appointment as your pastor. It was our hope, when we arrived to Butler: Christ Community, that we would be here for a long time. Each of us can make all the plans we want, but truly, we never know what each new day will bring. The realities we face are the things we ultimately have to attend to. When we began to find so many more specifics regarding Aaron in the last nine months, we began to confirm that this demographic area, based on climate and other pollutants is not the best place to give Aaron the life he deserves.
Although our heart is heavy, in great prayer, discernment and in deep discussion with colleagues, friends, family, some members of church leadership, and our Bishop, Thomas Bickerton and District Superintendent, Dean Ziegler, this move is important, because it means giving our son the best we can possibly give for his long-term health. At the end of June 2013, we are seeking an appointment within The Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. We have been in discussions with Conference leadership in Florida. As I made the vow to be faithful to the itinerancy at my ordination, we continue to be faithful to the call and to the itinerant system that God has blessed us with in The United Methodist Church.
I want you to know how grateful we are for your prayers, support and encouragement that you have already given us relating to this and as we do what is best for our son. You have been there for us every step of the way and we are grateful to know that you will continue to be. This church is strong, it is vibrant and has even greater potential to grow under new pastoral leadership in the coming years. My favorite verse in Scripture is Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” I have witnessed you working for good over these last two years as you have continued to live into the vision that was placed on your hearts, “Loving People, Loving God!”As I have watched you grow in faith, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your pastor. For that, we are blessed by your ministry to us. I ask that you continue to pray over this entire situation, as well as be in prayer for our Bishop, Thomas Bickerton, our D.S., Rev. Dean Ziegler and Cabinet as they prayerfully discern who the next pastoral leader will be here at Christ Community. I am earnestly praying for each of you as we all move forward in ministry as the Church of Jesus Christ. You are loved church. Thank you for loving us. As always...It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor.
I want you to know how grateful we are for your prayers, support and encouragement that you have already given us relating to this and as we do what is best for our son. You have been there for us every step of the way and we are grateful to know that you will continue to be. This church is strong, it is vibrant and has even greater potential to grow under new pastoral leadership in the coming years. My favorite verse in Scripture is Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” I have witnessed you working for good over these last two years as you have continued to live into the vision that was placed on your hearts, “Loving People, Loving God!”As I have watched you grow in faith, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your pastor. For that, we are blessed by your ministry to us. I ask that you continue to pray over this entire situation, as well as be in prayer for our Bishop, Thomas Bickerton, our D.S., Rev. Dean Ziegler and Cabinet as they prayerfully discern who the next pastoral leader will be here at Christ Community. I am earnestly praying for each of you as we all move forward in ministry as the Church of Jesus Christ. You are loved church. Thank you for loving us. As always...It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor.
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