Monday, August 13, 2012


Good Morning Church Family!

I pray this finds you well and blessed this day! Yesterday, we concluded our Christians Got Talent Series with a focus on "Multiply." Each of you have been given "talent(s)." As with the Parable of the Talents, each of us have a responsibility to yield a return on those by utilizing what God has blessed us with.

How well will you use yours? Yesterday, we got to watch talent all around the church. At both services, Dave and Lil Griffith used their acting talent to encourage each of us to come to the church picnic on Sunday, September 9 at 1:00 p.m. at the Meridian Vets Club! Dr. Bob Todd also discussed the Mosquito Run this weekend. If you would like to register, go to

At the early service, we heard the always talented praise band! We were also blessed to watch Sydney and Alayna dance after the message. We also welcomed Sara Buffington into membership on Profession of Faith!

At the 11:00 worship, we listened to Marilyn Stephenson on Organ and Deb Pincek on Piano! Our summer hymnsing is in full swing! Thank you all for submitting some of your favorites! The Mens' Quartet sang two pieces during worship! Thanks Jim Sams, Ken Killby and Jon Pincek!

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 12! Our new Wednesday Nights begin! Class listings and sign-ups are in the church lobby! More info will be mailed to your home soon. Invite your friends and neighbors! This can be a great community event!

I will be out of town August 16-31. Rev. Hughie Orsborn will be covering for me in case of any pastoral emergencies. His phone number is listed in Sunday's bulletin as well as at the church office.

Have a blessed week church family and I look forward to sharing in ministry with you in September!

It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor!

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