Thursday, November 15, 2018

The People God Puts In Your Life...Just When You Need It

We all have had those moments where we just want to cry. Here's a few stories where I almost did.

Debbie McLeod and I in Atlanta, at 6:30 a.m.! 

A few weeks ago, Pastor Debbie and I was in Atlanta for the Leading Edge Conference. This is a conference for the pastors of the top 100 United Methodist Churches in the US invited by Rev. Adam Hamilton and The Church of the Resurrection in Kansas.   Two months prior to our arrival, I made my hotel reservations through my SkyMiles account. I received my confirmation for the hotel and assumed that my hotel was reserved.

After getting up that morning at 2:00 a.m. and having a 5:30 a.m. flight, I arrived finally at my hotel around 9:30 p.m. after a long day of meetings. I said goodnight to Pastor Debbie as she went up the elevator to her room. I then went to the front desk for my room. I presented my confirmation number to the front desk and was immediately told, “We do not have this confirmation number or reservation.” Your airline never gave us this confirmation number.

I then found out the NY Giants were in town that night for a game. Not one hotel in the Buckhead area had a room left. I rode the Marta Subway from the airport to the hotel. I had no transportation. I was on the phone that night for two hours with the airline’s third party as they tried to find me a room.

They found me a room. At 11:30 p.m. mind you, I have been up since 2 a.m. This room was across the city at a very cheap, dirty hotel.

I had to UBER over. I got to my room and kept my socks on all night and right up to the point of getting in the shower. The iron had no ironing board. The TV was hanging crooked on the wall. I was ready to get out of there!

I called for an UBER two hours before my meeting started and checked out of the hotel since I was able to get a reservation in the original hotel.

My UBER driver came. His name was Jerrell.

Jerrell and I discussed the Falcons-Giants game the night before and we discussed who our favorite team was. Jerrell had a Steelers hat in his car and of course, we began this conversation! He told me that he was the nephew of the late LC Greenwood, former Steeler great from the 70’s. Jerrell talked to me about how he met many of the Steeler greats at his Uncle LC’s funeral and how wonderful it was to experience meeting these great men. He also talked about how he got to workout with Troy Polamalu while visiting his uncle in Pittsburgh.

As we were about 5 minutes from our destination, I asked Jerrell, “Jerrell, tell me, what is the one greatest thing you learned from your Uncle LC. What is something you remember that has forever changed your life?”

Jerrell didn’t waste a moment. He said: “My Uncle LC said this to me when I was on the powerlifting team in high school. ‘Can you go hard every play?’ This is what my Uncle imparted on me.”

I was busy writing this in my phone from the back seat as he was sharing. I was so impressed with his passion to share his Uncle LC’s wisdom.

I then spoke up by saying, “Thank you for taking time to share this with me. Jerrell, last night, I had the opportunity to meet Coach Bill Curry. Coach Curry played for the famous Vince Lombardi.”

I then began to share with Jerrell what I learned from Coach Curry this past week. Listening to Coach Curry the night before was history in the making.

Coach Curry spoke about the honor of playing for Coach Lombardi. I shared with Jerrell, There are two pains in life: The pain of discipline and the pain of regret. The pain of discipline is brief, and the pain of regret lasts a lifetime. Great teams have 2 characteristics. One great leaders, and two, a bunch of people who refuse to let each other down. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. You choose.”

Jerrell then began to write this in his phone.

As I look back, I would never have had this opportunity to have engaged with Jerrell if my room was reserved in the first place like I had hoped. Out of this negative experience came a blessing.

I could have seen this UBER experience as a way to complain and make it negative. But God placed Jerrell in my life for a blessing and I hope me for him.

I asked Jerrell if I could take a picture with him. He was so excited as was I. We had a moment of great connection, in an Uber ride, where two lives intersected for 15 minutes, but a thought about our directions of living life that would last a lifetime.

These moments in our lives remind me of the time Jesus was at the well taking a break. A woman came to the well to draw some water at a time of day where there was not much well action. Hear this story from John 4.

John 4 1-7, 13-15
Now when Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John 2 (although Jesus himself did not baptize, but only his disciples), 3 he left Judea and departed again for Galilee. 4 And he had to pass through Samaria. 5 So he came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the field that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob's well was there; so Jesus, wearied as he was from his journey, was sitting beside the well. It was about the sixth hour. 
7 A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”

13 Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.”

There is more interaction between Jesus and this woman. But what I shared with you today is that Jesus offered salvation to this woman. He offered her a brand new outlook on life.

What if, this woman decided to have swept around the house for 10 more minutes? What if she had to tend to a few chores? She would have missed out on this encounter with Jesus.

This random encounter with Jesus changed her life. He offered her Living Water. She needed joy, she needed hope and she wanted to experience grace. And he gave it to her. With all of her circumstances in her life, five husbands and another one she was with currently, it sounds to us that she had a difficult life.

This moment became a game changer as salvation came to her. She, nor Jesus, let their current circumstances dictate how they were going to live life.

This is how we should approach life too. We all walk around facing uncertainties. We all have circumstances. Don’t let your circumstances be the definition of who you are. Don’t let your circumstances be the definition of what you could be or how you could respond to others around you.

Two Mondays, ago, I was traveling again. This time for a vacation with Jenn. We had planned this trip for a long time.

Jenn and I woke up at 3 a.m. filled with excitement as we were headed to Cancun. We got the Jeep loaded and off we went to the airport. We arrived at the airport just before 5:00 a.m. and caught the bus out of the Economy lot at JIA (Jacksonville International Airport).

Just as 5:00 a.m. rolled by, Jennifer and I, with great excitement got to the Delta Ticket Agent and greeted her. "Good Morning Debra!" Debra said, "Good Morning! Where are you headed today?" We said, "Cancun!" Debra asked for our passports and we handed them to her.

"These are passport cards, not passports," said Debra. I said, "What do you mean? We traveled to Mexico with these?"

Debra responded, "These cards are for land and sea travel only, not air." My heart sunk. So did Jenn's. We had no Passports. I got one 15 years ago, but it expired 5 years ago.

Debra could have sent us home, disillusioned and sad from our terrible mistake. She did not do that. Instead, Debra said, "You are connecting in Atlanta, so there is a Passport Agency, Downtown Atlanta. I cannot guarantee that you will get your passports today, but you could try. They are also not very nice there, they have been known to be mean."

I looked at Jenn, Jenn looked at me and we both agreed that we would take a chance and go to Atlanta. Debra took us off the 8:45 a.m. flight to Cancun and put us on the 6:30 p.m. flight. So we had about 8 hours to get our Passport!

We got on the JAX- ATL flight and landed in Atlanta before the sun came up. We were nervous. Jumped on the MARTA (subway) - thanks Pastor Debbie McLeod for showing me the ropes of the MARTA system the week prior! (I looked like I knew what I was doing!)

We got off the MARTA at Peachtree Street Station, downtown Atlanta. Next to the station was a CVS. 

Got our Passport photos there and headed across the street to the 10th floor to the Passport Agency. We were nervous as Debra in JAX told us that the agency was not nice.

The elevator opened and it was like heaven! Gold elevators, to a world of light and Ryan. Ryan said with the nicest smile, "Welcome to The Atlanta Passport Agency! My name is Ryan, how can I help you?" We said, "We are trying to get to Cancun today." Ryan replied, "We can do that! Let's get you what you need."

Ryan gave us our paper work and talked to us to calm us down. Letrisha helped us with our paperwork and we walked out of the agency! Ryan said, "Now you have three hours until you get your passports. You can go across the street to the food courts and relax. At noon, you can come back." That's what we did!

We came across the street to the local food court and relaxed! Our prayers were answered! We even had time for a pedicure!

We paused at breakfast to pray. We prayed a simple prayer of thanksgiving for Debra, Ryan, Letrisha, for being those people God placed in our lives when we almost gave up and turned around.

As you take time to give thanks this Thanksgiving week, remember who these people are that you encounter in life. Thank them. Affirm them. Care for them in return.

You were born to affect change in people’s lives. They were born for this too. You are in a school not only for your benefit, but to come alongside a student who might be bullied to encourage them. You are in a church to join your talent with others so that the body of Christ should be complete and will grow. I think anywhere we are, there is a purpose and that purpose should not be allowed to go down the drain without fulfilling it.

I thank God for the Jerrell’s, the Debra’s, the Ryan’s and the Letrisha’s in life and hopefully others can say the same about the Jeff’s too and others like us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Can You Go Hard...Every Play?

“Can you go hard every play…” – LC Greenwood. I did not learn this from LC Greenwood, but I learned it from Jerrell. Jerrell was my Uber Driver this week as I left the hotel on the chilly Atlanta fall morning.

Jerrell and I discussed the Falcons-Giants game the night before and we discussed who our favorite team was. Jerrell had a Steelers hat in his car and of course, we began this conversation! He told me that he was the nephew of the late LC Greenwood, former Steeler great from the 70’s. Jerrell talked to me about how he met many of the Steeler greats at his Uncle LC’s funeral and how wonderful it was to experience meeting these great men. He also talked about how he got to workout with Troy Polamalu while visiting his uncle in Pittsburgh.

As we were about 5 minutes from our destination, I asked Jerrell, “Jerrell, tell me, what is the one greatest thing you learned from your Uncle LC. What is something you remember that has forever changed your life?”

Jerrell didn’t waste a moment. He said: “My Uncle LC said this to me when I was on the powerlifting team in high school. ‘Can you go hard every play?’ This is what my Uncle imparted on me.”

I was busy writing this in my phone from the backseat as he was sharing. I was so impressed with his passion to share his Uncle LC’s wisdom.

Coach Lombardi and Bill Curry #50 
I then spoke up by saying, “Thank you for taking time to share this with me. Jerrell, last night, I had the opportunity to meet Coach Bill Curry. Coach Curry played for the famous Vince Lombardi.”

I then began to share with Jerrell what I learned from Coach Curry this past week. Listening to Coach Curry the night before was history in the making.

Coach Curry spoke about the honor of playing for Coach Lombardi. When Curry was traded from Green Bay, Curry became very resentful towards Lombardi when he was traded. In the Super Bowl, the NY Times quoted Curry and was on the front page bashing Lombardi.

Curry felt bad for making the mistake of throwing his former coach under the bus.

Sometime later, Lombardi was on his deathbed and was dying of cancer. It was arranged for Curry to go visit Lombardi and have a moment of reconciliation. Curry accepted and was full of angst as he prepared to go in. Curry had no idea what he was going to say to Lombardi.

As Curry walked into the solemn hospital room that day, he was greeted by Lombardi’s wife. Lombardi’s wife was so good to Curry through all the years and it pierced his heart to have to walk in and face her. He did. She welcomed Curry as if nothing has ever gone wrong before.

As Bill Curry looked at Coach Lombardi, Lombardi had IV’s in one arm and the other arm lifted up alitttle and motioned Curry to come closer. Lombardi’s wife pushed Curry closer. As Curry touched Lombardi’s hand, Bill began to talk. He began to say to Coach Lombardi, “Coach, I am sorry for all that I have said. I will do anything to make it up to you.” Lombardi squeezed his hand and responded, “You can pray for me right now.”

A humbling moment. Curry realized the power of reconciliation and that of God’s grace. Everything that Lombardi taught Curry came to light; the discipline, the work ethic, the power of racial reconciliation when race tensions were at an all time high, the power of faith in a God who loves all, despite skin color and so much more. Lombardi was such a man of faith. A strong Catholic man who loved Jesus and made sure that others knew that too.

Jerrell and I had an incredible moment. We connected and made an impression on each other. I was not even supposed to have been in an Uber, but because Delta messed up my hotel confirmation, I was able to ride in Jerrell’s car.

I mentioned to Jerrell before I got out of the car, “Jerrell, I have a piece of advice that I learned from Coach Curry last night. It’s this: There are two pains in life: The pain of discipline and the pain of regret. The pain of discipline is brief, and the pain of regret lasts a lifetime. Great teams have 2 characteristics. One great leaders, and two, a bunch of people who refuse to let each other down. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret. You choose.”

Jerrell began typing in his phone! He wanted to capture this history in his phone also.

I asked Jerrell if I could take a picture with him. He was so excited as was I. We had a moment of great connection, in an Uber ride, where two lives intersected for 15 minutes, but a thought about our directions of living life that would last a lifetime.

My Uber driver, Jerrell in Atlanta. 

Thanks Jerrell for making an imprint on my life on Tuesday, October 23, 2018. I will never forget it.

Last week, I earned this bracelet.
The Discipline of a TFW Brute Warrior

Too you, the reader, its just a plastic bracelet. To me, this is the choice of discipline, something I had to earn. This bracelet doesn’t come free. There is a cost (not monetarily) to this bracelet. This Training For Warriors (TFW) bracelet represents, blood (literally!) and sweat from 6 days a week at 6:00 a.m. for one year. I had to reach certain levels to earn this. (Thanks Coaches Colin, Adam and Jake for pushing me hard at TFW Julington Creek!) Last year, I hit the scale at nearly 300 lbs with no physical discipline. I only experienced regret for letting myself get that way.

Today, I see how the pain of discipline has been brief to bring me to a greater health; body, mind and spirit.

Jerrell and I encourage you today: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Your choice.

Can you go hard…every play?

With Coach Curry and his wife, along with Debbie McLeod (left) at the Leading Edge Conference, Atlanta. 

God is on the Move in St. Johns!

Longleaf Church will be launching in the coming year! Take a look at this video and become a part of the movement! 

Contact Camille Wilson to be a part of a small group! 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Fitness Training For All

Surrounded by Jen's! 

Now that summer is nearing the end, we usually have the best shaped bodies of our lives.

I said usually… In July, I had a meltdown of some sorts. Instead of continuing the regiment of waking up at 5:00 a.m. and going to Training For Warriors for a 6 a.m. workout, I went on vacation with the family to California with full intentions of going to the hotel gym to workout.

In two weeks of vacation, my temptations got the best of me. I gained 13 lbs. I will say the feast of seafood was quite delicious at Fishermans Wharf in San Francisco!

When I returned home, I realized what a mess of  two weeks of vacation it was for me, eating wise. Everything I learned from the gym, including my nutrition intake when right out the door.

Since July, I had to redevelop that discipline to train and eat right again. I only allow for one cheat day and the rest of the week I am working hard at maintaining what I have lost. It’s not always easy. I know the UMW will be having a bake sale real soon at the Craft Festival on October 6, but instead of eating bad all week, I eat healthy, leading up to October 6 so that I can have some of those goodies! Last year, I devoured the Chocolate Pecan Pie!

I’d like for you to reflect upon 1 Timothy 4 as you read this.

Paul was hoping to visit with Timothy while in Ephesus, but since he did not, Paul writes him a letter giving Timothy practical advice about ministry.

Let’s look at 1 Timothy 4: 6-16.
6 If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed. 7 Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; 8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 9 The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. 10 For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.
11 Command and teach these things. 12 Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.13 Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. 14 Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. 15 Practice these things, immerse yourself in them,[c] so that all may see your progress. 16 Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Paul is setting Timothy up with a prescription for success. I appreciate this disciplined approach to living as a follower of Jesus. Paul is essentially saying three things to Timothy in this part of the letter:

1. Put these things before the brothers.
2. Train yourself for Godliness
3. Command and teach these things so that you can track your progress, keep a close watch.

What does Paul mean by “put these things before.”

Paul's refuting the false teachers Timothy was facing. You see, if we go back just a few verses to verses 1 through 5, Paul was specifically calling out those who condemned marriage and eating certain foods.

In the church at Ephesus, there were two things being denied and forbidden. One was eating meat, and the other was marriage. Some people were teaching that if you became a vegetarian and single, then you would be closer to God. How about that? Married people, don't get any ideas! Gnostics at the time were teaching this. They believed that if you refrained from these behaviors, then you were close to God. The focus was more on the body and not the spirit. Paul was instructing young Timothy to discipline the spiritual side of oneself as well, that it couldn’t be just one area of your life that you focused on.

One year ago I weighed nearly 300 lbs. and my life was crashing in front of me.
I weighed 286 lbs. and I had no more energy. I was spent.
I was pre-diabetic. High blood pressure.
Headed towards a stroke.
My grandma had a stroke at the age of 44 and at the time, I was 43.

I knew I had to put this all behind me because I knew I was headed for disaster.
Then I was introduced to the gym. Not only has this gym helped me physically, I am more alert, I have a deeper relationship with my wife, I am a much healthier pastor to take on all that church planting has in store for me.

With my trainers, Colin and Adam, with Wes and Jenn (who is getting a sweat hug!!) 
Energy level is back! 
I am not a pre-diabetic anymore.
My blood pressure is normal.
I have the energy to go all day now without a break.
The discipline of the gym has helped me focus on life so much more and what God has equipped me to do.

Paul instructs the Romans and us to think holistically here. (Body, Mind and Spirit)

Romans 12:1-2 12 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies (Body, Mind and Spirit) as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Transformation takes place when we put the things of the world behind us and strive for something more.

Transformation just doesn’t happen though. It takes discipline and it takes training. 

Before training, there was no way I was able to do more than a few push ups. However, with training and discipline, I now can do push ups with 70 lbs on my back. It didn’t just happen all of a sudden. This took continued practice.

It’s the same with our spiritual lives. Are we satisfied with just going to church for one hour on Sunday? What would it look like if we all were engaged in a small group, growing spiritually?

#2 Train Yourself For Godliness:

A follower of Jesus is one who walks in, right living. In order to live righteous, it’s crucial that we exercise our faith.

As a spiritual being, we must exercise ourselves, spiritually too, towards godliness. Paul helps us see that as he uses a metaphor of an athletic.

We are to exercise ourselves in godliness as much as an Olympic athlete exercises their body. Think of the time and energy, effort and dedication an Olympic athlete puts into their training. Their sport is their life. So it is to be with us as followers of Christ: godliness is to be our life. All of our energy, effort, time, and dedication should be given over to godliness. God prods us to the exercise of godliness.

As Paul refuted to Timothy, bodily exercise is profitable, we are healthier and feel better about ourselves, but godliness is more profitable, far more profitable.
We should exercise our body regularly; we should keep ourself physically fit.
But the focus of our life as Christians is to live a godly life.

The reason for all that I am telling you this morning is clear: godliness bears fruit—great fruit—both in this life and in the life to come. If we walk in the Spirit, we bear fruit of God’s Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God promises to bless while we walk upon this earth, and also when we receive the life to come. That alone makes me want to live a godly life! Because we are going to receive the fruit of our labor.

To live this way calls us to be consistent in our discipline. Don’t let anything hold you back in receiving that fruit. In verse 12, Paul writes to Timothy, “Don’t let anything hold you down Timothy. Some people will knock you down a level because you are young, but don’t let that stop you from being faithful.”

Paul tells Timothy to focus! But, this means we need to focus too. There are many distractions in our lives. There are the distractions of work, social media, sports, social pressures, the list could go on and on, and we all could say, I’m just too busy. I did for years as my justification as to why I couldn’t get to the gym. I kept saying, “I’m too busy.” However, I look back and now realize, “What in the world was I doing at 5-6 a.m. anyway?”

Distractions could have got the best of Timothy but Timothy was told to focus on reading the Scriptures, encouraging one another and teaching one another.
I’d like for you to think for a moment. How do you train spiritually? Do you set time to pray? Do you read the Scriptures? Do you fast? Do you worship? Do you spend time in small groups? Do you tithe? Do you serve? Do you visit those in need? Do you feed the hungry? So you seek justice?

Joining in devotion and Scripture at the gym before a workout.

These are what John Wesley called the “Means of Grace.”

What part of your life could grow by training spiritually?

Lastly, Paul told Timothy to “Command and teach these things so that you can track your progress, keep a close watch.”

I love this wording from Paul. Command.

Parangelle – means to declare, to order. Paul is saying, Order your life in a way and teach these things so that you can keep close watch.

As we look into the Scripture, we see the Bible mentions many times how Jesus went away to pray—sometimes early in the morning, sometimes overnight.

I’d like to challenge you as you read this. To take an inventory of your daily life. Where are you rushed? Where are you bored? Where can you pray? Where can you read? Where can you jump into a small group?

The thing is, I can’t make this decision for you.
It’s up to you to make the time… to put things behind, to train and to command your life.

See you at the gym! And in small group.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Entitlement Wreaks Havoc

Recently I was looking on Facebook at pictures of a friends recent trip to Yosemite National Park. It was a beautifully sunny day, views for miles, and smiles all around. My first thought was, "It's not fair, that they got to see the beauty of Yosemite and when I was out there in July, all I witnessed was smoke from the Ferguson Fires. 
Smoke covers Yosemite National Park
Picture I took along the Tioga Pass
As I reflect upon my emotions, I find that my mind was consumed with entitlement. What makes me entitled to have the best view? Why not be grateful for the fact that I was in Yosemite in the first place? Although I didn't get to see the historic landmarks in Yosemite because of smoke, I did get to climb the Pass over to Nevada. It's on that drive that I got to see God's beautiful creation. 

Entitlement can wreak havoc. Lately, I have witnessed entitlement at a deeper level. A few weeks ago, my area was witness to a mass shooting that left people dead after a gamer lost a video game. Two nights before that, our area witnessed shootings at a high school football game that left people dead. 

It saddens me to live in a time where many believe they deserve more than others and when we don't win or when we don't get a trophy for participating, entitlement rears its ugly head once again. 

Entitlement believes that we deserve more or that we have the right to have something. 

For the last 10 months I have been exercising at TFW (Training for Warriors) in Julington Creek. Before I started, I had the mindset that I deserved to be in shape and that I deserved to have muscles, simply because I worked hard and didn't have "time" for the gym. I made excuse after excuse. 

What I came to find out, was, no one was handing me a "fit" body. 

Almost 300lbs and made excuse after excuse
I was nearing 300 lbs, I was on blood pressure meds and was pre-diabetic. It was an ugly cycle. I kept telling myself, "Poor me, I have such a hard time getting up to exercise, so why not, let's just eat another burger." 

This entitled attitude was leading me down a dark path, one that would eventually kill me prematurely if I did not check myself and my ego at the door and humble myself to take a step in faith and the right direction. 

Muscles and a fit body don't come by napping and eating Oreos. It comes through vigorous exercise, discipline, and a regimented food plan. Since this change in November 2017, I have lost nearly 70 lbs, am not pre-diabetic and no longer have high blood pressure. 
Feeling like I am in my 20's again! After a long hike in Sequoia National Park
I am off my meds and now feel like I did when I was in my 20's. 

I've met many new friends along the way and we work hard to encourage each other. 
Some of the Familia at TFW

I say this because I see the same with our faith. We say we want God in our life, but do we do anything about it? We can get caught spiritually napping and eating spiritual Oreos while the good is right in front of us. 

Faith requires investment. James 2:14-26 says, "14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”

Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. 19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.

20 You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? 21 Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? 22 You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did. 23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend. 24 You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone.

25 In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction? 26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."

Yes, we are saved by faith through grace in Jesus Christ, but just because we are saved by God's grace does not give us the right to walk around with an entitled attitude. 

Jesus came to serve, not to be served. We too are called to serve, not to be served. 

I react very badly when mediocrity throws a tantrum of entitlement. - Lee Siegel

I no longer want to be mediocre. I want to be the best I can be for the Lord and for others. I hope you feel the same way about yourself and what God desires in you.