Monday, July 17, 2017

Small Groups Coordinator Announced for Longleaf @ 210 and Mandarin UMC!

Jennifer Lindner, Small Group Coordinator for Longleaf @ 210 and Mandarin UMC
Mandarin United Methodist Church's SPR would like to announce the hiring of Jennifer Lindner, as our new Small Groups Coordinator at Mandarin United Methodist/Longleaf @ 210. Jennifer is a member of Mandarin UMC, is married to Wes, and has three children, Sadie, Hudson and Ranger. 
In Jennifer's three years at Mandarin UMC as a lay person, Jennifer developed and began MOPS with Sarah Deetz. Jennifer has also created a Fresh Expression in St. Johns County that meets each month and Jennifer is actively engaged as a small group host in St. Johns County as a part of our Longleaf @ 210 Initiative. She also has been an active part of VBS here at Mandarin and other ministries. 
Jennifer is a graduate of Clemson University with a BA in Psychology and minor in Sociology. Jennifer is a proven self-starter, with a passion for starting new and successful ministries in St. Johns and in Mandarin. Jennifer is grateful to God for what small groups has done for her and her family and she is excited to share her passion with our church and our communities. Be sure to welcome Jennifer Lindner as a part of our Mandarin UMC Staff Team! She will begin her duties as Small Group Coordinator on August 1, 2017.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Longleaf @ 210 Week 2

The mobile "Longleaf @ 210" office! Stop by and see me some day!
Having an office in the strangest of locations is the new "normal" these days. This week, I tried a new spot, Bite a Bagel on CR 210. The people are so nice! I met Kathy, manager and Angelie, an employee who goes to school with my daughter Alayna and is in the same grade as her! Nice young lady! Thanks for the water refills Angelie!

As I have taken 1/2 of my time to Longleaf @ 210, I am finding that getting out of the office is becoming more and more of a joy than a fear or a disturbance. Why you might ask? I am finding that I have the opportunity to be present more now that I am face to face with people I encounter.

When I walk into a Dunkin Donuts or a Starbucks, I generally run into someone that I know from church or the community. I love meeting others and talking life. It's all kinds of conversations too! Everything from people moving to hospice care. With those conversations, we can care for each other and I can pray for the needs of our people and our community.

Pastor Juana Jordan and I at Village Bread, sharing our love for Christ and the church! Pray for Juana as she begins a new church in the heart of Jacksonville. 
I met with Pastor Juana Jordan this week. Juana is a dear sister in Christ who has been called to plant a church also in the downtown Jacksonville area. She and I met to discuss how God is using these two areas: St. Johns and Jacksonville as places to grow God's Kingdom. We discussed how people in both areas are vastly different, but even though they are so very different, they all want one thing: Relationship.

People are drawn to relationships. People have a need to be loved and appreciated. People need hope and encouragement. I have come to find in the church that we have what it is they are looking for.

I met with a part of our pastoral team and worship leadership this morning about hospitality in our Connection Contemporary Worship Service. I shared that those who are coming to our church as there for a reason: relationships and a desire to be a part of a community. People desire a relationship with God and with each other.

This week, our first hire for Longleaf accepted an offer to begin working for Mandarin/Longleaf. This person will be announced on Sunday in our weekly blast after worship. This person will become our new Small Groups Coordinator. This position will allow people to grow in community and relationships with God and each other. This position is of vital importance for the well-being of people's lives and the life of the church.

In Acts 2, we see the following:
2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.

The beauty of this passage demonstrates that the early church was devoted to one another. Relationships were built and community was formed. Homes and small groups were such an important part of this community building and relationship strengthening.

As this role of Small Group Coordinator comes to fruition, I am excited to see how God will use this season to develop small group hosts and small groups for Longleaf @ 210. If you are along CR 210, I invite you to be in prayer as to how you will strengthen this community by building relationships in your homes/restaurants or in Amenity Centers.

I'm getting ready to go on a Mission Trip tomorrow morning (4 a.m.) with our Mandarin youth and all three of Jenn and my kids will be going. This will be my son's last hurrah as a youth before he goes off to college! I can't believe it.

Have a blessed day as you read and as you go forward living in faith and loving God and neighbor.

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Longleaf @ 210 Week 1

This week I entered into a new transition in ministry. I am now supported by The Florida Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church as a church planter. Beginning July 1, 2017, I will be working 1/2 time at Mandarin UMC and 1/2 time as a planter on CR 210 with the strategic initiative, Longleaf @ 210.

This transition comes with great excitement as we journey together into a new frontier! This week of new beginnings began with some sadness. My first day into the transition, I had to officiate my father-in-law's funeral back in Pennsylvania. It was a sad moment as John was just down here in Florida for our son's graduation party. John had a massive heart attack while quad riding on his mountain property at his home. John was only 67 years old and just got used to retirement. Needless to say, this first week of "official" church planting work came with difficulty. 

Us with Jenn's Dad, John, when we dated. We will miss you John! 
The kids and I at one of our most Holy and Sacred Spaces: Jumonville. The day we laid PapPap John to rest. 
I was able to spend the second half of the week interviewing two positions. The first is for a small groups coordinator position for Longleaf @ 210 and for Mandarin UMC. This part time position will help coordinate small groups off-site and will empower small group hosts to rise and lead. I am very excited to see where God is going to lead this person! Yesterday, I spent the day interviewing people for a Web/Social Media Admin position at Mandarin. This person will help Mandarin with its communications via video, social media and through the web! We had some great candidates come through! 

Yesterday, I began my day in a video conference with Dan Jackson, Director of New Church Development and Diane C. a marketing strategist, working with Florida Church planters on marketing. We all had great conversation as we begin to think of ways to market and reach out via social media/web. 
With some awesome Church Planters at our Academy in May 2017.
As we begin this journey with Longleaf @ 210, I share the following: 

The landscape of County Road 210 in Northern St. Johns County is vastly different than what it was 4 years ago. Development has become the norm for this part of our region and with this development occurring, thousands of people from all across The United States are now calling St. Johns “home.”

Mandarin United Methodist Church has been a recipient of this continued growth and development in Northern St. Johns County. We have welcomed many newcomers into our church family and are sharing life with our new community along CR 210. Since 2016, Mandarin United Methodist Church has actively been reaching out to this part of our region with a strategic initiative called “Longleaf @ 210.” 

Longleaf @ 210 is meeting people where they are: in communities, in restaurants, in homes and even on the water ways! Throughout 2016-17, Longleaf @ 210 has hosted the following:

1. Community Events: Reaching people in communities such as Aberdeen, Johns Creek, Stonehurst, and more! 
2. Small Groups: Small groups are forming in the CR 210 area. Small groups currently meet in places like Dunkin Donuts on CR 210 and in people’s homes. 
3. Fresh Expressions: A new form of church for an ever-changing culture. Kayaking With Jeff and Women’s Craft Night have already captured the hearts of many in our community. 

Mandarin United Methodist Church’s health and vibrancy has caught the attention of our Florida Annual Conference and The Northeast District. The Florida Annual Conference is actively supporting our efforts to become a multi-site church that will allow people in St. Johns County along CR 210 the opportunity to worship and grow in discipleship in their own back yards. We are beginning this journey with the Conference and the District. 

What can you do as we prepare for the continued movement of God’s Holy Spirit? 

Pray. Pray for God to be present in the ministry of Longleaf @ 210. Pray for small groups to begin so that lives are transformed. Pray for a place we can worship weekly. Pray that God would lead us to the right people to have conversations about property. Pray that God would lead us to that right piece of property so that the mission of Jesus Christ can be continued in an area that has no Wesleyan presence as of yet. Pray for those God is raising to lead. 

Know. Come to know what God is doing through Longleaf @ 210. With prayer walks, community events and activities occurring; invite friends, co-workers, classmates and neighbors to be a part of the excitement around this movement! 

Grow. Get involved in small groups. God is stirring your heart to grow in faith and discipleship. Small groups are a great way to grow in faith. We will have 200 adults actively engaged in small groups before we launch into weekly worship. With 200 adults and their children, a movement has begun! 

Go. Be missional and serve the Lord. Longleaf @ 210 will be serving Christ and our neighbor in love and care. Longleaf @ 210 has already worked with The ASSIST program of St. Johns County, an initiative to end homelessness for 700 children and youth. We raised over $3500 at our Community-wide Palm Sunday Worship alone!  

I, Pastor Jeff St. Clair, a resident of Aberdeen in St. Johns County is the lead and point person on this initiative. If you would like to speak to me about this movement, please contact me at or by phone 904-268-5549 ext. 134 and I would be happy to meet you or talk with you about the possibilities. 
Kayaking With Jeff Fresh Expression! 
A great partnership with JaxPaddlesSports and Alex Gallaher! 
Kayaking with Jeff - preaching from Bird Island (Near Fort in St. Augustine, FL)