The mobile "Longleaf @ 210" office! Stop by and see me some day! |
Having an office in the strangest of locations is the new "normal" these days. This week, I tried a new spot, Bite a Bagel on CR 210. The people are so nice! I met Kathy, manager and Angelie, an employee who goes to school with my daughter Alayna and is in the same grade as her! Nice young lady! Thanks for the water refills Angelie!
As I have taken 1/2 of my time to Longleaf @ 210, I am finding that getting out of the office is becoming more and more of a joy than a fear or a disturbance. Why you might ask? I am finding that I have the opportunity to be present more now that I am face to face with people I encounter.
When I walk into a Dunkin Donuts or a Starbucks, I generally run into someone that I know from church or the community. I love meeting others and talking life. It's all kinds of conversations too! Everything from people moving to hospice care. With those conversations, we can care for each other and I can pray for the needs of our people and our community.
Pastor Juana Jordan and I at Village Bread, sharing our love for Christ and the church! Pray for Juana as she begins a new church in the heart of Jacksonville. |
I met with Pastor Juana Jordan this week. Juana is a dear sister in Christ who has been called to plant a church also in the downtown Jacksonville area. She and I met to discuss how God is using these two areas: St. Johns and Jacksonville as places to grow God's Kingdom. We discussed how people in both areas are vastly different, but even though they are so very different, they all want one thing: Relationship.
People are drawn to relationships. People have a need to be loved and appreciated. People need hope and encouragement. I have come to find in the church that we have what it is they are looking for.
I met with a part of our pastoral team and worship leadership this morning about hospitality in our Connection Contemporary Worship Service. I shared that those who are coming to our church as there for a reason: relationships and a desire to be a part of a community. People desire a relationship with God and with each other.
This week, our first hire for Longleaf accepted an offer to begin working for Mandarin/Longleaf. This person will be announced on Sunday in our weekly blast after worship. This person will become our new Small Groups Coordinator. This position will allow people to grow in community and relationships with God and each other. This position is of vital importance for the well-being of people's lives and the life of the church.
In Acts 2, we see the following:
2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.
42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
The beauty of this passage demonstrates that the early church was devoted to one another. Relationships were built and community was formed. Homes and small groups were such an important part of this community building and relationship strengthening.
As this role of Small Group Coordinator comes to fruition, I am excited to see how God will use this season to develop small group hosts and small groups for Longleaf @ 210. If you are along CR 210, I invite you to be in prayer as to how you will strengthen this community by building relationships in your homes/restaurants or in Amenity Centers.
I'm getting ready to go on a Mission Trip tomorrow morning (4 a.m.) with our Mandarin youth and all three of Jenn and my kids will be going. This will be my son's last hurrah as a youth before he goes off to college! I can't believe it.
Have a blessed day as you read and as you go forward living in faith and loving God and neighbor.