Being called into the ministry has allowed me to serve some incredible churches and their communities. God has called us through the discernment of The Florida Annual Conference Cabinet, Bishop Kenneth Carter and Senior Pastor, Debbie McLeod to Mandarin United Methodist Church. We begin in Florida on July 1, 2013 and we look forward to it with great anticipation and thanksgiving.
The link to Mandarin UMC announcing our appointment is below. It was posted last week. I'd like to thank the people of Mandarin for their love, concern and prayers during this transitional period in our lives. I'm also forever grateful to the people of Christ Community UMC in Butler who have covered us in prayer as we have come to find out so much about Aaron's ciliary disorder and how supportive each one was as we made these decisions to give Aaron the best outlook on living life to the fullest.
We are blessed by such a great people of faith all around us. Thank you all.
Appointment to Mandarin UMC
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Monday, May 06, 2013
Running the Race With Perseverance
It's vacation week for me! After two incredibly busy weeks of ministry and life, I am so thankful for scheduling this week of rest. It actually will not be a week of rest, as I will spend almost all of it packing, packing and more packing. That's ok though!
Many times I write this blog to keep people informed about church happenings, activities that go on in ministry. Today, I write to capture the many thoughts going through my mind as I want to remember these last two weeks with detail. Detail because God did some amazing things.
Last weekend as we wrapped up the confirmation retreat at Jumonville, I asked the confirmation class what their favorite part of the weekend was and it wasn't "free time" or "hiking" but their favorite time was sharing Communion at the Cross on the mountaintop. In those moments, my heart beats with joy as the confirmands experienced what I experienced too when I was a teen at Jumonville; the presence of God at work in their life.
On Wednesday of last week, I preached and led worship at Sunnyview Nursing home. Our last song of worship was "Jesus Loves Me." To watch the elderly sing with all their heart as we sang this childhood favorite brings the joy and hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. After worship was over, a parishioner at another UM Church in Butler, Joanne, came up to me, with tears in her eye and said, "I sit three nights a week with this man (pointing to him) at dinner and he has never said anything. Today he sang out with all his heart, Jesus Loves Me." Wow! This song led him to use his voice and he did it with a big smile!
Thursdays, I meet with our new Director of Connectional Ministries, James. James loves ministry as it just comes out of him in so many ways. James without any hesitation came to my rescue as he helped me move so much "stuff" Thursday late afternoon and Friday morning. He has been making so many connections with the church family and loves this position in the church!
Friday evening, Abby and I made our way to downtown Pittsburgh to get our race packet for the Marathon. Since the Pirates were playing (First place!!) and the Penguins were playing (Playoffs and Crosby was back!) the city was jammed with cars! We parked in the Strip District and made a 25 minute walk to the Convention Center. Abby and I talked the entire way, holding hands, laughing and sharing the "cool" things of the school day. It provided for some great one-on-one time together.
Saturday morning, Alayna and I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to get into Pittsburgh for the 5K for Imagine No Malaria. As we got there, we were greeted by Mark & Kim, Sydney and Mandy!
We ran the race with such happiness and laughter. It was a fun run as I watched my growing daughter take off without me and I even caught up to her! As soon as I did, she ran faster after I told she and Mandy, "You can't let this old man beat you!" I never saw them until we reached the finish line! After the race, I was able to connect with Tony, Alisha and Bailey as we shared some fun moments together!
Who knew doing ministry as we raised money and awareness for Imagine No Malaria could be so much fun?
As soon as we got home, we switched into softball gear! It was opening day for softball and Coach Mike named Alayna starting pitcher! The girl went up against last year's champs and threw six strikeouts! It was her first ever start at pitcher and she certainly has the strike zone in view. She did well! Abby did well too! After, we made the trip to Dairy Queen to "cool off" some. DQ, I had to go to church to get some work done and Alayna said, "Dad, I'm tired, I can't go into the church." I put the windows down for her and I went in and worked for awhile. When I came out, Alayna, who has more energy than an Energizer Bunny, was beat! She was fast asleep!
Sunday morning came fast! Got up at 3:30 to be in Pittsburgh by 5:30 so I could be there for the Imagine No Malaria group photo at 6:15 a.m. I got there literally as the group was formed for the photo and snuck up right in the back. After the photo, the group disbanded so fast to get to the starting points for the race!
I got to spend time with a few people and got to meet a few new friends. My brother-in-law, Casey even found me as he was running for FedEx.
The highlight of the day for me, was when I handed the metal to Jake at the relay exchange point. Jake wished me well as he finished his part of the relay and I began to run. As soon as I began to run, after four hours of standing on my feet, the day before running the 5K and temps in the mid 50's, my legs were stiff. I hurt literally 1/4 mile out of the relay exchange point. By the time I hit Bloomfield, I was aching bad. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my right, and it was Jake. Jake stopped at the exchange point, grabbed a banana and a water and then caught up to me! He is exactly what I needed on a day that I didn't have it in me to run. Jake's ministry to me that day was one of encouragement. He kept me focused on not what I couldn't do, but on what I could do. He and I talked the entire way on the race! This young man helped me in ways I have never imagined in a race before. He pushed me, encouraged me and supported me to finish the race with perseverance.
It made me realize the power of the connection we have as the Body of Christ. We are many parts, but one. Thank you Jake for making my race one of the best experiences. Dr. Bob Todd did such an amazing job putting the race together for Imagine No Malaria. We are still trying to reach $20,000. We are so close. May the Lord bless the people of Africa as we raise money and awareness to bring hope to an area of the world that is looking for life and life abundant.
I got home yesterday and took off the race clothes and switched into dress clothes as we made our way to Chippewa UMC to celebrate the life and ministry of my District Superintendent, Dean Ziegler. Dean has had an incredible ministry and I wish he and Linda all the best as he moves into a new journey of life. Dean has always been there for me when I needed his advice and as when we began to discern the need to move to a climate that would best suit our son's disease, Dean was there for us. Thank you Dean for your leadership!
Lastly, I made the announcement yesterday that I am being appointed to Mandarin United Methodist Church in South Jacksonville beginning in July. I am looking forward to sharing in ministry with the great people of Mandarin UMC!
We are going with mixed emotions. We are sad to be leaving such dear people, our family, church family, my Conference family and community here in Butler. We have shared some awesome times together in each of those contexts. We know this is what we need to do. It is going to bring great health year round for our son and not just 5 months of good health and 7 months of chronic sickness. He just thrives in heat and humidity and to keep him confined indoors during the cold and dry of winter is just not fair to him when something can be done to give him life year round. We are blessed to be able to provide him with this opportunity. I love my boy and will go to any distance to give him the life God has blessed him to live. I am grateful for the people who have worked so hard to make this move happen. Thank you, there are so many, I can't name them all.
Well, I better get packing during my "vacation" week! It's been such a great two weeks. I am grateful for the time I have had this morning to take some time to put it into words. Our God is an awesome God!
Many times I write this blog to keep people informed about church happenings, activities that go on in ministry. Today, I write to capture the many thoughts going through my mind as I want to remember these last two weeks with detail. Detail because God did some amazing things.
Last weekend as we wrapped up the confirmation retreat at Jumonville, I asked the confirmation class what their favorite part of the weekend was and it wasn't "free time" or "hiking" but their favorite time was sharing Communion at the Cross on the mountaintop. In those moments, my heart beats with joy as the confirmands experienced what I experienced too when I was a teen at Jumonville; the presence of God at work in their life.
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A beautiful end of the day at the Cross at Jumonville |
On Wednesday of last week, I preached and led worship at Sunnyview Nursing home. Our last song of worship was "Jesus Loves Me." To watch the elderly sing with all their heart as we sang this childhood favorite brings the joy and hope that is ours in Christ Jesus. After worship was over, a parishioner at another UM Church in Butler, Joanne, came up to me, with tears in her eye and said, "I sit three nights a week with this man (pointing to him) at dinner and he has never said anything. Today he sang out with all his heart, Jesus Loves Me." Wow! This song led him to use his voice and he did it with a big smile!
Thursdays, I meet with our new Director of Connectional Ministries, James. James loves ministry as it just comes out of him in so many ways. James without any hesitation came to my rescue as he helped me move so much "stuff" Thursday late afternoon and Friday morning. He has been making so many connections with the church family and loves this position in the church!
Our New Director of Connectional Ministries, James and his wife Dana |
Friday evening, Abby and I made our way to downtown Pittsburgh to get our race packet for the Marathon. Since the Pirates were playing (First place!!) and the Penguins were playing (Playoffs and Crosby was back!) the city was jammed with cars! We parked in the Strip District and made a 25 minute walk to the Convention Center. Abby and I talked the entire way, holding hands, laughing and sharing the "cool" things of the school day. It provided for some great one-on-one time together.
Saturday morning, Alayna and I woke up at 4:30 a.m. to get into Pittsburgh for the 5K for Imagine No Malaria. As we got there, we were greeted by Mark & Kim, Sydney and Mandy!
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Alayna, Mandy, Sydney and I running for INM |
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Bailey and I sharing laughs! I had the joy of baptizing this little girl! |
As soon as we got home, we switched into softball gear! It was opening day for softball and Coach Mike named Alayna starting pitcher! The girl went up against last year's champs and threw six strikeouts! It was her first ever start at pitcher and she certainly has the strike zone in view. She did well! Abby did well too! After, we made the trip to Dairy Queen to "cool off" some. DQ, I had to go to church to get some work done and Alayna said, "Dad, I'm tired, I can't go into the church." I put the windows down for her and I went in and worked for awhile. When I came out, Alayna, who has more energy than an Energizer Bunny, was beat! She was fast asleep!
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Ice Cream at DQ! |
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One tired girl. |
Sunday morning came fast! Got up at 3:30 to be in Pittsburgh by 5:30 so I could be there for the Imagine No Malaria group photo at 6:15 a.m. I got there literally as the group was formed for the photo and snuck up right in the back. After the photo, the group disbanded so fast to get to the starting points for the race!
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Part of the Team Imagine No Malaria! |
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My brother-in-law, Casey and me before the race |
The highlight of the day for me, was when I handed the metal to Jake at the relay exchange point. Jake wished me well as he finished his part of the relay and I began to run. As soon as I began to run, after four hours of standing on my feet, the day before running the 5K and temps in the mid 50's, my legs were stiff. I hurt literally 1/4 mile out of the relay exchange point. By the time I hit Bloomfield, I was aching bad. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to my right, and it was Jake. Jake stopped at the exchange point, grabbed a banana and a water and then caught up to me! He is exactly what I needed on a day that I didn't have it in me to run. Jake's ministry to me that day was one of encouragement. He kept me focused on not what I couldn't do, but on what I could do. He and I talked the entire way on the race! This young man helped me in ways I have never imagined in a race before. He pushed me, encouraged me and supported me to finish the race with perseverance.
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Jake and I at the finish line at the 2013 Pittsburgh Marathon |
It made me realize the power of the connection we have as the Body of Christ. We are many parts, but one. Thank you Jake for making my race one of the best experiences. Dr. Bob Todd did such an amazing job putting the race together for Imagine No Malaria. We are still trying to reach $20,000. We are so close. May the Lord bless the people of Africa as we raise money and awareness to bring hope to an area of the world that is looking for life and life abundant.
I got home yesterday and took off the race clothes and switched into dress clothes as we made our way to Chippewa UMC to celebrate the life and ministry of my District Superintendent, Dean Ziegler. Dean has had an incredible ministry and I wish he and Linda all the best as he moves into a new journey of life. Dean has always been there for me when I needed his advice and as when we began to discern the need to move to a climate that would best suit our son's disease, Dean was there for us. Thank you Dean for your leadership!
Celebrating Pastor Dean's retirement! |
Lastly, I made the announcement yesterday that I am being appointed to Mandarin United Methodist Church in South Jacksonville beginning in July. I am looking forward to sharing in ministry with the great people of Mandarin UMC!
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Mandarin United Methodist Church, Jacksonville, FL |
We are going with mixed emotions. We are sad to be leaving such dear people, our family, church family, my Conference family and community here in Butler. We have shared some awesome times together in each of those contexts. We know this is what we need to do. It is going to bring great health year round for our son and not just 5 months of good health and 7 months of chronic sickness. He just thrives in heat and humidity and to keep him confined indoors during the cold and dry of winter is just not fair to him when something can be done to give him life year round. We are blessed to be able to provide him with this opportunity. I love my boy and will go to any distance to give him the life God has blessed him to live. I am grateful for the people who have worked so hard to make this move happen. Thank you, there are so many, I can't name them all.
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Aaron helping with some of the youth on mission day in Pittsburgh |
Well, I better get packing during my "vacation" week! It's been such a great two weeks. I am grateful for the time I have had this morning to take some time to put it into words. Our God is an awesome God!
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