Monday, September 24, 2012

Three Simple Rules # 3 "Stay In Love With God"

Good Morning Church and Community! 

God's abundant blessings upon you this morning! I pray each of you reading this had a great weekend. (Although the Steelers lost in the last seconds...) 

Yesterday, in worship and in children and youth Sunday school classes, we concluded our series on The Three Simple Rules. Our attention yesterday was centered upon "Staying In Love With God" based on John 21:15-17, 19 where Peter was asked three times of Jesus, "Do you love me?" Peter went on loving God's people and feeding the sheep. We were challenged to attend to the ordinances of God through our spiritual disciplines. I shared that God's creativeness gave us many ways to "connect." We watched a video that Jeremy Peffer directed us to use from Andy Stanley's Northpointe Church. You can see it here. What Way Do You Connect With God?

Yesterdays message allowed us to look at the 5 Love Languages from Dr. Gary Chapman. Chapman illustrates in his book, "The 5 Love Languages" that all of us have a primary love language. To find yours click here 5 Love Languages Assessment   for an online tool to find yours! 

If you wish, you may then go to YouVersion (What's Your Love Language) and take the Christ Community love language poll and see how you compare to the rest of the church! 

Lastly, thanks to Jeremy Peffer for filming, editing and sharing his gifts with "Butler Dad." Butler Dad, according to the Three Simple Rules concluded yesterday with this video on "Staying in Love With God." Good work Butler Dad! Butler Dad's "Stay In Love With God"

This Wednesday, we have fish and pierogies for dinner at church! If you are planning on coming for dinner, please contact the church office today with your reservation. Almost every table was full last week! It's great to see such a great crowd so early on in this new ministry! 

Next Sunday, our church will begin a new journey together through November 4.  Committed to Christ: Steps to a Generous Life will offer a road map, a series of paths, a journey toward holy living and mature Christian discipleship. It offers a vision-a vision to grow closer to the Lord through the series themes of prayer, Bible reading, worship, witness, financial giving and service. You will be invited to grow, step by step, in your life as a follower of Christ. Each week, you will be invited to fill out a commitment card to help you plan that growth. Join us in this six week stewardship program that presents giving in many ways as a part of your lifelong journey in Christian discipleship.

Have a blessed week church! It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor.

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Do Good" Rule # 2 of The Three Simple Rules

Good Morning Church and Community,

God's blessings this beautiful day from sunny Butler! It has been a beautiful weekend! Saturday, I had the honor of officiating the wedding of Melissa and Joe Suders. Melissa and Joe are relatively new to the Butler area and found Christ Community to be the perfect place for their wedding! We welcome them to Christ Community!

Our choir launched into the fall with a beautiful piece, "Come Lift Up Your Voice!" We thank our choir and Jon Pincek, interim director for leading us in worship.

Butler Dad made another appearance as he tried to understand the concept of "doing good!" You can see it here: Do Good Rule # 2 from Butler Dad

Yesterday, we centered on Chapter 2 of The Three Simple Rules by Bishop Reuben Job. Chapter 2 relates to "doing good." Our text came from John 13:34-35 a call by Jesus to "love one another." Jesus' command was an imperative one, that is, one that came with absolute necessity to follow. In two short verses, Jesus commands us to "love one another" three times. John Wesley once wrote, "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." John Wesley, founder of the Methodist movement had a vision of grace. The grace of God extending itself to us via the means of grace: prayer, fasting, study of Scripture, healthy living, Communion, Baptism, and Holy Conferencing. Wesley also was attuned to works of mercy: doing good, visiting the sick, visiting the imprisoned, feeding and clothing those in need, earning, saving and giving all one can and the seeking of justice.

We were encouraged to live in a way of living good that will require us to live in continual assessment of life: that is, to do good and to make a wise decision to follow Christ in all we say and do.

Over this past year, our church, has had the opportunity to do good when it applies to extravagant generosity. Pledging for 2012, increased our pledging contributions tremendously. Our receipts YTD, surpass our expenses by over $20,000 and our spending is approximately $2,500 below our YTD spending expectancy.

This faithfulness on the church's part has allowed us to do more good, living into our mission even more faithfully! This has allowed our church to give a gift of the Three Simple Rules to each family unit in the church so that each of us are growing together in discipleship. Our children/youth ministries are working on the Three Simple Rules too! Your goodness has allowed us to launch new ministries like Wednesday Nights @ Christ Community, giving people of all ages an opportunity to study, fellowship and grow. These are just a few examples of how you are reaching out in faith and showing God's grace and goodness! Thank you church for your response!

Have a blessed week church! It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New Ministry Begins Tonight!

Good Morning!

The new iPhone5 comes out today! However, that's not the only new thing out! Wednesday Nights @ Christ Community begins this evening! It will be a great opportunity for you to grow in faith through a meal around the table with church family, singing in choirs (Adult and Children and Youth), children and youth studies, adult studies and much more! Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. Nursery care is available from 6:30-8:15 p.m. This will be an incredible opportunity for you to know, grow and go! All are welcome!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Three Simple Rules: Rule # 1 Do No Harm

Good Morning Church Family!

I hope you are well and blessed this day after a wonderful weekend! Yesterday was a great day all around (other than the Steelers losing)! Rally Day kicked off with joy around this place and our Church picnic was well attended by many hungry church goers! We had enough food, didn't we?

Our worship time centered around the new series "Three Simple Rules." Yesterday's focus in Sunday School and worship was on "Do No Harm" If you have been reading the Three Simple Rules book given to you by your church last month, you will have read that Job calls us to examine the way you live and practice your faith. To do no harm is a proactive response to all that is evil- all that is damaging and destructive to humankind and God's good creation, and ultimately destructive to us. Job also calls us to be on guard so that your actions and even your silence will not add injury to another of God's children or to any part of God's creation. We are called as Christians to bring healing instead of hurt. I'd like to thank Jeremy Peffer for his imagination and video of "Butler Dad." It is a spoof off of the now famous "Pittsburgh Dad." Jeremy's video's have given us a taste and will continue to give us a taste of these three rules in "Butler Dad" fashion! Great work on the "Do No Harm" video! You can see it here:  Butler Dad - Do No Harm

Yesterday, Stacey Burk, Staff-Pastor-Parish Relations Chair presented each of our paid staff a token of our appreciation for all the hard work and commitment they have to Christ Community! We thank our paid staff for their love and dedication to Christ Community and to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Kaylee Aul shared her gift of signing with music in our 11:00 a.m. worship. Thank you Kaylee for your talent!

Yesterday's picnic was just incredible! Thanks to Linda Carrigan for her leadership in this picnic and to the picnic planning team! A few rain showers came and went, but the food, fellowship, music, "Laugh-In," ice cream, games and face painting were a hit! A special thank you to Kaleido Kone Creamery for donating the ice cream and cart for us! Kaleido Kone Creamery  Also, we would like to thank Christine for her great talent of facepainting and balloon twisting! A great crowd from our church attended! Jon Hiser and Arlene Sutton took some great pics! I will include some below!

Connect @ Christ Community on Wednesday Nights!
This Wednesday, we kick off Wednesday Nights @ Christ Community! A new ministry here! Dinner will be at 5:30-6:30. Adult choir is dismissed at 6:15 p.m. Our classes and children's ministry begins at 7:00 p.m. Dismissal will be 8:15 p.m. or before depending on your class. We welcome you all to come out Wednesday night for a great new way to grow in your faith!

Next Sunday, in worship and Sunday School we will examine Rule #2 in your Three Simple Rules book: "Do Good." Hope to see you along the journey somewhere this week! It is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor.
click on each picture to enlarge

Monday, September 03, 2012

Labor Day E-News

Good Evening!

I hope you are well and blessed as you read this week's E-news! It was a great weekend to be together in worship!

A special thank you to Jon Pincek for leading us with special music at the 11:00 a.m. worship.

Our focus yesterday in worship centered around Traditions. So often, we take tradition, which are an essential part of our faith development as Wesleyan United Methodists (Wesleyan Quadrilaterial) and let tradition cloud our opportunity to grow closer to God. I took the example of the electronic organ. In the late 1800's, the electric organ began to be seen in larger churches. It was thought of as an ungodly instrument by many and those many people strained their faith journey because the traditional piano was being replaced by something new and they would not get past the "tradition" of the piano in worship.People allowed an instrument to close off any possible avenue of growing in their faith journey. Over the years, the organ has won the hearts of many, but as time moves on, it's things like drums, video projectors, new ways of worship that can replace the issues churches faced in the late 1800's. How do we deal with "tradition?"

In Mark 7, the Pharisees were so disheartened by the disciples not washing their hands before they ate. Jesus quoted Isaiah by saying, "They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." The Pharisees and scribes were worried about clean (hygiene) hands and Jesus centered around creating and keeping a clean heart.

Do we just "go through the motions" or are we truly making attempts to grow in faith?

Tuesday, September 4, we welcome our Super Sprouts Preschool back! It's our largest group yet!

This weekend is a big weekend at Christ Community! It's Rally Day! Sunday School begins this Sunday! Our new series, 3 Simple Rules begins in worship!

We also have a church picnic! First one in years! Come on out to Meridian Vets Club to be a part of the fun! Bring a covered dish, tableware and your lawn chair! We will have games, facepainting by Christine, music and so much more! Spend the day with your church family!

Next Wednesday, September 12 is the kickoff to our new Wednesday Nights @ Christ Community! Dinner begins at 5:30 and goes through 6:30 p.m. Choir is 6:15-7:00 p.m. and Classes begin at 7:00 p.m. Nursery is available too! We would love to see you there!

Have a blessed week church and know what an honor it is to serve and lead as your pastor.