Good Morning Church!
I pray you are all well and blessed this day! We had a great weekend! Early Saturday morning our youth and leaders left Butler for a weekend full of surprises. Cherie Loomis, youth director told me that one of the reasons for this retreat was to open the youths' eyes to the growing needs of those around us. So often, we filter out many of the "things" throughout this world and even around us and miss out on so many ways to serve the Lord in ministry.
Vines all over the garage at New Hope UMC |
A beautiful "After" shot of the garage! |
Some of our awesome youth from Christ Community! |
Much work needs done! |
The youth left for New Hope UMC on the Northside of Pittsburgh. There, they met Rev. Larry Homitsky, director of Church Union and a part of a multi-church site ministry on the Northside. Larry gave our youth a great task of working on a garage, owned by the church. Our youth did incredible work! We are so proud of them for the work they did!
Saturday evening, we celebrated one year of ministry together! That year flew by! Thanks to all who made that evening such a memorable one, filled with surprises and laughter! Jennifer, the girls, Aaron and I would like to say "thank you" to all who send cards and gifts and even those who gave the pastor "a ride, a tattoo, and a Harley Hat!" I can cross off bike riding on my bucket list!
Cross it off the Bucket list! |
The food at this event had to be one of the best pot-lucks I'd ever been to! Thanks to everyone who brought their best dish forward! A special thanks to the Killby and Hankey families who organized this event. It was a great night, one that I will forever hold dear to my heart.
Laura Killby with a great "Journey" cake! |
The spread at the party! |
This Sunday we began the "Christians Got Talent" series with a message on "Encouragement," based on Paul and Barnabas' journeys. As Paul got up after being stoned and left for dead, he was determined to continue on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthening and encouraging new converts to grow in their faith as they became disciples and then made disciples.
To encourage is a key element of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. It counters the world's view of criticism and negativity and finger pointing. To encourage others and to be encouraged is essential in the growth development of self and other believers. I encourage you to grow in faith. One way that we can grow will be the start of Wednesday Nights @ Christ Community as we embark on a new wave of discipleship throughout the church. I highly recommend to you this night of dinner, fellowship and discipleship that will be coming in September.
I thank Jon Pincek for offering his gift of music at both services as he shared that talent and encouraged us with beautiful music. Thank you Jon!
Davie Melder put together a beautiful video of our church's first year of ministry together! Thanks Davie!
Here's the link:
1st Year Together
Have a blessed week church and know how grateful and honored I am to serve and lead as your pastor! - Pastor Jeff