Monday, July 30, 2012


Good Morning Church Family!

I pray you are well and blessed this morning! It was a great day of worship! We were blessed with the talents of Ben Todd and Sabrina Leksill as they shared their gift of music with us in worship! Thank you both for sharing your heart, your passion for music with your church family!

We were also blessed to see some families that came to our church awhile back that have lived out of town for years! It was a joy to see a "reunion" of sorts!

We welcomed some first time visitors at both worship services! May they feel the Christ Community welcome and hospitality that has brought so many into our doors!

Our message yesterday centered on Forgiveness. To be open to forgiving or being forgiven breaks the cycle of retaliation and can open the door to reconciliation. To forgive or to be forgiven means life and freedom in Christ. That is a blessing!

This Sunday we celebrate Joy in our Christian Got Talent Series! We will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion at both services!

Our rummage sale begins Friday! If you are willing to help serve or bake for the bake sale, it will be greatly appreciated! Last year's rummage sale was a huge success!

Get ready for our Church Picnic on September 9! Many fun things are being planned! Come on out!

Meridan Vets Club! Site of our Church Picnic September 9! 
Have a blessed week church and know what an honor it is to serve and lead as your pastor!

Monday, July 23, 2012

It Really Was A Fun Weekend

Good Morning Church!

I pray you are all well and blessed this day! We had a great weekend! Early Saturday morning our youth and leaders left Butler for a weekend full of surprises. Cherie Loomis, youth director told me that one of the reasons for this retreat was to open the youths' eyes to the growing needs of those around us. So often, we filter out many of the "things" throughout this world and even around us and miss out on so many ways to serve the Lord in ministry.
Vines all over the garage at New Hope UMC
A beautiful "After" shot of the garage!
Some of our awesome youth from Christ Community!
Much work needs done! 

The youth left for New Hope UMC on the Northside of Pittsburgh. There, they met Rev. Larry Homitsky, director of Church Union and a part of a multi-church site ministry on the Northside. Larry gave our youth a great task of working on a garage, owned by the church. Our youth did incredible work! We are so proud of them for the work they did!

Saturday evening, we celebrated one year of ministry together! That year flew by! Thanks to all who made that evening such a memorable one, filled with surprises and laughter! Jennifer, the girls, Aaron and I would like to say "thank you" to all who send cards and gifts and even those who gave the pastor "a ride, a tattoo, and a Harley Hat!" I can cross off bike riding on my bucket list!
Cross it off the Bucket list! 

The food at this event had to be one of the best pot-lucks I'd ever been to! Thanks to everyone who brought their best dish forward! A special thanks to the Killby and Hankey families who organized this event. It was a great night, one that I will forever hold dear to my heart.
Laura Killby with a great "Journey" cake!

The spread at the party! 

This Sunday we began the "Christians Got Talent" series with a message on "Encouragement," based on Paul and Barnabas' journeys. As Paul got up after being stoned and left for dead, he was determined to continue on proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and strengthening and encouraging new converts to grow in their faith as they became disciples and then made disciples.

To encourage is a key element of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. It counters the world's view of criticism and negativity and finger pointing. To encourage others and to be encouraged is essential in the growth development of self and other believers. I encourage you to grow in faith. One way that we can grow will be the start of Wednesday Nights @ Christ Community as we embark on a new wave of discipleship throughout the church. I highly recommend to you this night of dinner, fellowship and discipleship that will be coming in September.

I thank Jon Pincek for offering his gift of music at both services as he shared that talent and encouraged us with beautiful music. Thank you Jon!

Davie Melder put together a beautiful video of our church's first year of ministry together! Thanks Davie!
Here's the link:
1st Year Together

Have a blessed week church and know how grateful and honored I am to serve and lead as your pastor! - Pastor Jeff

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Jurisdictional Conference Is Completed

It was an incredible week of ministry. A long one, days that lasted 14-16 hours, but after it was all said and done, Jurisdictional Conference was a time of blessing for me and I know many. To see and meet new people of our common faith and tradition was overwhelmingly affirming.

Sharing time with sisters and brothers from our Annual Conference was some of the greatest experiences! I now know that Eric Park can dance! I was blessed to share a room with Larry Beatty, Director at Jumonville and I got so many opportunities to sit next to Louise Patterson, CCN chair of our Annual Conference. Louise is a sweet spirited woman of faith. I could go on about so many from our Annual Conference and just who they are and what they mean to me know that I shared this intimate and profound week with them. I thank them for being so warm, loving and kind; in our deliberations, meals, meetings and even in the elevator!

We all thought for sure Bishop Tom and Sally would be moving on. When it was announced that they were coming back for four more years, our concerns were suddenly replaced with great peace and joy. Following the announcement, each delegation had the opportunity to meet with their new bishop. When Bishop Tom came into the room, we were filled with smiles and tears. The Northeast Jurisdictional Episcopacy Committee (the ones who make the assignments of Bishops) met until a little after 5 a.m. that morning. We prayed heavily for them as they had such hard and long work to do. I thank God for Pat Morris and Joel Garrett, who represented our Annual Conference on the Episcopacy Committee. They worked diligently along with so many others through the night and into the early morning hours.

Joel Garrett, our clergy rep for the committee spoke of the strongest Holy Spirit moment he ever had was at 4:00 a.m. that morning in the meeting. He shared the Spirit's prompting led him to confirm that the Holy Spirit is going to lead our Annual Conference like never before. As I heard this, I was brought to tears and I experienced the Holy Spirit's confirmation in his speaking. It is one time I will never forget. I sensed God speaking to me in that particular moment saying that what is in store for our Annual Conference over the next four years with Bishop Bickerton's leadership will be one like we never have experienced before. Joel's talk was profound as we are in need of great renewal in the church and I believe this is the time to move forward, to Rise Up, Encounter God and Engage the World.

Consecration of Bishops - July 21, 2012 NEJ Conference

Moment of Announcement when Martin McLee became Bishop

Bishop-Elect Mark Webb giving his first few words as Bishop

My great friend Allan, lead pastor at Baldwin Community was there to be with his best friend William Meekins Jr. who was an Episcopal Candidate. 

A gift by our Annual Conference to Bishop Bickerton. (Picture of Pittsburgh)

A Dear Sister in Christ, Joan Reasinger

Our newly elected Bishops, (Ball, McLee and Webb)

Bishop Bashore was there too! 

Bishops Peggy Johnson and Tom Bickerton in the Processional

A Continuation of the Procession into St. Mark's UMC, Charleston, WV
So... hold on to your seat church. We our looking forward to "the Journey Continues" with Bishop Tom! Be blessed!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Connection at Work

Making ballot history today! The record number of ballots for the Northeastern Jurisdiction was 29. Today it took 35 ballots to reach our third and final Bishop. We welcome Bishop Steiner-Ball, Bishop McLee and Bishop Webb. May the Lord bless each of them and our current College of Bishops as tonight they anticipate receiving their Episcopal assignments tomorrow morning. (Photos by Jackie Campbell, WPA Conference Staff)

Bishop-Elect McLee

WPA Delegation

My good brother in Christ, John Ciampa, Bishop-Elect Webb and Me Moments After His Election
I thank God for our WPA Delegation as they have been so hard at work throughout this process.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Marathon Interviewing

I've been in a relay for a marathon before. To get ready takes great preparation. To race takes great determination, stamina and courage not to fail.

Yesterday, was a marathon. 19 interviews for Episcopal candidate. I had the pleasure of meeting some of the most dynamic people in our jurisdiction who have been called, nominated and endorsed to hold the Episcopal office. It was a Spirit-filled day. The passion of some of the candidates blessed me and reignited a flame in my soul.

I thank God for the opportunity to meet with these individuals, and to be in a time of discernment with newly-found colleagues in ministry from throughout the Northeast.

The marathon was long, but in the end, accomplished much. Please keep these 19 candidates in prayer as well as their families and the congregations/districts/conference they serve as this truly is a time of Holy Conferencing for the greater good of The United Methodist Church.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Not So Ordinary...

To follow is an underestimated form of leadership... Derrick Sivers shared this on the video we watched yesterday in worship. Here is the link in case you missed it. How to Start a Movement

Jesus was walking along the lake when he invited Peter and Andrew to drop their nets and follow Him. They did and followed Christ, becoming more than just followers. They became great leaders. By taking the risk to follow, they showed that it takes courage to take that initial risk and follow.

The challenge in worship yesterday was to look internally at yourself as a follower of Jesus Christ. Are you willing to "drop your nets" or are you willing to "deny self, take up your cross" and follow? It requires us as individuals and as the church to get out of our comfort zones and to break the potentially lethargic mindset of "that's what I've always done" or "that's what we have always done."

We enjoyed a great weekend of togetherness! Saturday morning into the afternoon a great group of church family came out to work on the church grounds! These are some of the pictures that Aaron St. Clair took on Saturday. Thank you church for your hard work!

We enjoyed Saturday evening a great night at David and Debbie Melders house as they hosted a youth group summer party and cookout! Thanks Melders for your hospitality!

Yesterday in worship we had the opportunity at Traditional worship to hear the Men's Quartet sing during the special music time. Thank you men for sharing! Davie Melder put together a video sharing Bikes to Hope. (It's also on our church website Here is the link:
Bikes to Hope 2012 at Christ Community

I am in West Virginia now as I get ready for Jurisdictional Conference. I will be here through Friday. Please keep the Conference in your prayers this week as new episcopal leaders will be elected as well current Bishops will receive their new assignments. I am praying that God's will be done here as we discern what God desires for the church. May it truly be a time of Holy Conferencing.

Have a blessed week Church and I look forward to sharing the weekend with you!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Praying for Jurisdictional Conference

Here's a link to begin praying for the discernment, actions and ministry before, during and after this year's 2012 Jurisdictional Conference. May the Lord speak His words of wisdom to all who are invested in this time of the church and world.

Prayers for Jurisdictional Conference

Northeast Jurisdictional Conference Webpage

Monday, July 09, 2012

Change is Constant

I've seen change all weekend long! Friday, I celebrated my 20th high school reunion. Amazingly, many of my high school friends have not changed much over these years! A few have changed drastically and I am ever so thankful there were name tags to show me what their names were! Saturday, I had my first Board of Ordained Ministry meeting. I found it odd that just a few short years ago, I was on the opposite end, being interviewed by members of BOOM for my ordination. Now, I sit on the interviewing side! Sunday, I celebrated that Addison Kate Bechtold was baptized! Life has certainly been changing for her lately! Sunday evening I was at my parents house to pick up our kids since Jenn worked all weekend and I had meetings. Dad's health continues to change in a way that has prevented him from being mobile. He has truly struggled in the midst of life changes here recently and I ask you continue to pray for him as he tries to find relief from this dreaded disease. Today, you see change to my weekly E-News. Apple has made some major changes with it's Mobile Me site and I am no longer able to publish my weekly E-News to the web via that site. So you get to see my "old" blog site. It's being resurrecting again.

It was a beautiful day of worship at both services! We welcomed Rev. Dean Ziegler, Butler District Superintendent, along with his wife, Linda to our church yesterday for a visit. We also celebrated in a baptism at the traditional service and got to hear special music from Ken and Ann Killby. Our praise band rocked out our 9:26 worship with a newer song, "I am Free." It was a wonderful day to praise God!

Sunday in worship we centered on surrendering our "self" to Christ Jesus. In surrender or you might say, "emptying" we then are filled with God's Holy Spirit. When we surrender and then are filled, God equips us with the necessary tools to fill ourselves and fill others. God's Spirit equips us with  Character, Confidence, Courage, Compassion and Companionship. As I shared in worship, from the Secret Millionare, Steve Kaplan emptied himself of his "life" so that he could gain more in life. As he let go of his "life" he was able to see life from the eyes of someone living on the south side of Chicago. In living that "life" Steve found generosity and compassion to be more prevalent in his life from then on. Our passage came from Mark 6:1-13.

I had in the bulletin a sheet titled, "Letters to God" As the Letters to God station is being utilized in the lobby, we can take this sheet home with us, bring back to church or hold dear to us. This sheet can be used as a tool to "surrender" to God so that we may be filled more with the Holy Spirit.

Have a blessed week church and know it is an honor to serve and lead as your pastor.