Today I finally had an opportunity to read the United Methodist Magazine, Interpreter. Most of the magazine focused on the new UM campaign, ReThink Church. (Our brother, Greg Cox is quoted in the magazine- go Greg!!) I am intrigued by the campaign and the many opportunities that lie ahead for our denomination. In the midst of all of the excitement for a new campaign, my heart aches for what is actually taking place in many churches across the country.
We may be rethinking ways to engage ourselves in the world in which we live, but many times, we are neglecting the ways we are engaging the people right in our pews or in the chairs we set up. Let me explain.
Ten years ago, as a newly married man and school teacher, I worshipped at a flagship church with my new wife at the time, Jennifer. When we would attend this church, we always parked at the far end of the parking lot, finding very few spots to park on Sunday. Just recently, we returned, only to find ourselves parked at the top of the lot, the third car in the lot. Jennifer looked at me sadly and said with a discouraged tone, "This doesn't look good." It wasn't. We walked in and had our choice of pews to sit. 10 years ago, we did not have that opportunity to sit where we liked.
I wanted to cry. My heart ached and still does for what I witnessed and still witness today. I love the church. To see the church dwindling, saddens me greatly. As I listened to 10 minutes of announcements, I thought, "What is the church doing to engage the community?" The announcements reflect much of what is taking place on the inside. How many first time visitors will be excited to hear about an executive committee meeting at 9:00 a.m.? On a positive note, the church we attended was friendly than ever! Praise God for the hospitality, but as The Interpreter asks, "What if church was less about Sundays, and more about the other days of the week?"
I truly am praying for what God can do through the people of the church if the people will be open to the Spirit's leading and guidance throughout this journey. May our churches be open to what God can do through our communities if we just step, in faith, out of the box.