Monday, August 25, 2008

A New Perspective

I just got back from visiting my relatives in Ohio. My Aunt Evelyn lives in Hamilton, OH and my Uncle Paul lives in Georgetown, OH. Both live in care facilities. It was wonderful spending time with my loving relatives and I had the opportunity to share this with our three kids (Unfortunately, Jennifer had to work).

Uncle Paul, back in the day, owned his own printing business. Uncle Paul was very successful in what he did and he is one person I admire. He ran a very successful business. Uncle Paul lives now in a Veteran's Home. It's a beautiful place, newly constructed in a farming area on the outskirts of Cincinnati. Uncle Paul and I talked for a few hours before my cousins arrived and we all went to dinner. It was great to see Uncle Paul doing so well.

We also had the opportunity to visit my Aunt Evelyn. Aunt Evelyn is approaching 90 yrs of age. Aunt Evelyn's faith in Jesus Christ has always been a powerful influence in my life. Aunt Evelyn worked in a bank near Dayton for many years until her retirement. Aunt Evelyn is now in the skilled section of the nursing home, rooming with Alzheimer's patients. Our visit with Aunt Evelyn was not too long, as she could not handle much more. During our visit, she made many comments that showed her mind was beginning to fade. This saddened me greatly. I knew a woman, as a child, who was full of life. Now she sat in a wheelchair, watching the days pass by.

I believe our visit will strengthen my ministry to the elderly. So often, I see the elderly in nursing homes as people who have "always been there." After this visit, it struck me that the people who have "always been there" are in fact, people that have not "always been there." People like Uncle Paul and Aunt Evelyn held incredibly prominent jobs, supported families and cared for the community just as people my age do now. One day, I will be their age and I will long for relationships with my family and others around me. This new perspective will allow me to better understand those whom I visit and listen to the stories they share or even just to sit there and hold their hand. May I be attentive to the ever increasing needs that I see around me.

It was great to visit and to love our extended family.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

A Very Special Person Turns Eight

This weekend, we are celebrating a birthday! Alayna turns eight on Monday. Tomorrow, we are going to have a party! Alayna has been counting the days for her birthday for two months! With Alayna, parties are a must! I'm looking forward to the day too! She's got a heart of gold and always is willing to share Christ's love to everyone, including all her friends at school! Thank God for Alayna!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Practical Stuff

Jennifer found something this week on the web that has made our life so much easier! If you have multiple people in your house and you can never figure out each other's schedules, this website is for you! Go to This online tool is free and can organize your entire family's life! I now get text messages straight from that tell me what to pick up at the store on my way home! Check it out! You'll be glad you used it when you're coming back from soccer practice and there is that one thing you need to pick up and you just can't remember what it was!!! Good find Jennifer!