Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vacation Fun

I'll be out of blogland for a few weeks as we are packed and ready to leave for the beach! See you in two weeks!

Wish me well. Tomorrow is the final weigh in for the "biggest loser- St.Clair edition!" I'm going down 53 lbs lighter! I'll let you know who wins! Hopefully I'll be on the other end of Brett's 6/10 of a percent!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Words Really Cannot Describe

Words really cannot describe the joy felt at this year's Mommy, Daddy & Me Camp at Jumonville. The entire week became for me a blessing from God.

I deaned this camp for the second year (yes, I will be back for a third!). At the beginning of the week a child told me he didn't believe in Jesus. This seven year old and I had a long talk about what Jesus meant to me. By the end of his camp, he hugged me and said, "I believe in Jesus." Praise God!

Last night, during our camp fire, a four year old came up to me and said, "I like you, Pastor Jeff." Talk about a melting heart! I love working with children and parents. Thank God for the opportunity to minister at camp and to serve Him by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the campers.

Making Mountain Pies!

A Sunset From Jumonville on Wednesday

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Great Day @ South Park

Today concluded Asbury Alternative's Worship Series, "Back to Basics," a five week series focusing on Acts 2:42-47. It was a great day for worship, picnicking and fellowship at South Park! It was such a hot day, 94, I believe my thermometer read when I got into the van! We concluded with a message on house churches. When I got home this evening, I was thrilled to see the interest generated from our sign up forms to be a part of a house church movement at Baldwin Community!

Enjoy a few pictures from today's excitement. I will continue to pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit as we begin our groups in the homes of the church family.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Servant Ministry

I have been overwhelmed by the recent response for the Blitz Build in Mercer County during Annual Conference. Our Annual Conference has put together a plan to build a habitat house in Mercer, PA. I truly do not think the Annual Conference had an idea as to how many would come out to serve in ministry.

If you go to the Conference website, you will see Breaking News at the top of the page. When I clicked on this tonight, I could not believe that we have a cut-off! I am so glad to see the people of this Conference joining together in mission! We have had so many servants, willing to serve in this endeavor, that work is being found throughout Mercer County. Baldwin Community is blessed to be sending many volunteers to serve in the multiple ministry opportunities available. I look forward to hearing the stories!

It is my prayer that the house that's being built, the multiple projects available and the hundreds of servants in ministry will bring the Lord glory and honor in the week ahead. I can't wait to hear of the lives transformed and touched throughout this journey. I give Dianne Miller kudos for trying to arrange hundreds of volunteers for such a task!