Let's have some Christmas spirit. This morning, I left early to officiate a funeral in West Virginia. It was a bit of a road trip so I thought I would fill up my new Sheetz mug (thanks Allan for the mug!) in Canonsburg and then jump on I-79 and make the rest of the way south. Sheetz was normally busy for that time of morning and I had on my suit, long coat and a donut in hand and my mug of coffee. The line was all the way back to the coffee table. I saw a man, with his coffee and I said, "Go ahead, you were before me." He looked me in the eye, looked me up and down and then rolled his eyes in disgust.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Eye Roll
Let's have some Christmas spirit. This morning, I left early to officiate a funeral in West Virginia. It was a bit of a road trip so I thought I would fill up my new Sheetz mug (thanks Allan for the mug!) in Canonsburg and then jump on I-79 and make the rest of the way south. Sheetz was normally busy for that time of morning and I had on my suit, long coat and a donut in hand and my mug of coffee. The line was all the way back to the coffee table. I saw a man, with his coffee and I said, "Go ahead, you were before me." He looked me in the eye, looked me up and down and then rolled his eyes in disgust.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Afternoon in Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Way to Go Baldwin Community!

I walked into my office this afternoon to see a letter from the Western PA Annual Conference Camping Office. It was a list of all the churches in the Conference who sent campers to one of the three camps (Allegheny, Jumonville, Wesley Woods). I was ever so pleased to see that Baldwin Community sent 42 campers to camp this summer!!! We increased from 18 campers in 2007 to 42 in 2008! Way to go people of Baldwin Community!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
OK This Should Not Be Happening to Me Right Now

This morning I was hit with something I did not expect. Abby and I were heading to class this morning. Abby's preschool room is the last class at the end of the hallway. I hung her little jacket on her hook and we carried her cookie cake into the classroom (It's Abby's fifth birthday tomorrow, November 7th). As we walked into the room, a little boy from our church, Jack, handed Abby something. I didn't think much of it. She then handed it to me. I looked at it and then just kept talking to Mrs. Riani and Mrs. Pavlick. Then about 10 seconds later, I looked at it again. It was a beautifully wrapped purple rose. This struck me hard! My four year old daughter just got her first rose from a boy! Abby was so tickled by this and Jack was so proud at that moment to give his "girl" a rose! I had to get a picture with my phone (I'm glad my phone has a camera for quick moments like this). Jack, thanks for giving me (and Abby) a great big smile today (and for giving me an increased heart rate)! Happy 5th Birthday Abby (Little Betty)!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Way to Go Pastor Gretchen!
Pittsburgh Tribune Review
Voters feel tension of historic moment at North Side's New Hope church
By Asia M. HowellPOINT PARK NEWS SERVICETuesday, November 4, 2008
Gretchen Hulse, a first-time pastor at New Hope Methodist Church on the North Side, sipped her coffee in the far corner of her church lobby early this morning as she watched neighbors patiently wait, some in the bitter cold, determined to have their votes counted.
"People are very tense in this election," she said. "I mean we have the possibility of making history. They're worried about what this day will bring, but my prayer is that everyone that can vote will vote."
Voters at New Hope were lined up before the poll doors even opened at 7 a.m. Many people had turned out to vote in the presidential race between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama.
"I usually come right around the corner every election and walk right in, vote and come out, but some of these people have been in line since 6:30 a.m.," said Michelle Clark, 38, a disabled veteran from the Central North Side. "This is new to me."
The lines were new, but the voters' concerns were familiar: Voters talked about potential problems and issues the day's events might unravel.
Stephanie Jones of Homewood, working the polls at the North Side church said, "I'm expecting a blackout, system failure, and numerous recounts -- something to change the results."
Some voters challenged the training of poll workers when they were asked for legal identification.
"A lady behind me was yelling and threatening to report poll workers because they asked her for ID," said Jackie Myers, 67, a psychologist. "Those same workers asked me, too, but I simply told them I've voted at (New Hope) every election and they were able to check me off that way."
Way to Go Gretchen! (Gretchen is in my Young Cohort Group through WPA Conference)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Road Trip
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Great Escape

Saturday, October 04, 2008
A Great Witness
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Aaron!

Friday, September 19, 2008
The Day Off

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Family Devotion Time

Monday, August 25, 2008
A New Perspective

Saturday, August 09, 2008
A Very Special Person Turns Eight

Friday, August 01, 2008
Practical Stuff

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Open Seating...A First for Me

Lining up was an experience in itself! I was one of the last people on the plane. I like window seats, so I found a window seat near the rear of the plane. Sitting down next to me was a business man. I said hello and he said hi. I opened up the book I was reading and I heard a mother and son talking in the aisle. It was the first time this young boy flew since he was very young. He was nervous and his mom was hoping to have two seats where they could sit together. The man next to me got up and said, "You can sit here." The little boy sat next to me and the mom sat on the aisle seat. Upon take-off, I asked him if this was his first time flying. He said yes. I asked him if he was from Pittsburgh and he said yes again. I then said, "Oh, so am I. What town do you live in?" He did not know. His mom said, "Whitehall." I smiled and said, "Wow, so am I!" I few more minutes passed in conversation and I said, "I'm a pastor, at Baldwin Community United Methodist Church, across from Caste Village." The mom smiled and said, "That's where my son went to preschool!" Again we smiled at just how small of a world this really is. The mom began to ask me if I knew some of the teachers. When she came to one teacher, I said, "The teacher you are talking about is at my house right now, babysitting our kids!" The mom then laughed because her daughter is dating our babysitter's son! Way too small of a world! Following about a 45 minutes conversation with the mom and her son from PSP's, Steeler Training Camp and even Alternative Worship, she said she might just come to church and check us out! I gave her the times of worship and said we would love to have them come.
I am thankful that the Spirit of God was at work with the "open seating" on Southwest! Thank God the business man got up and the mother and son sat down with me and we were able to talk church! God is good! All the time!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Opportunity

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Back to it!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Vacation Fun
Wish me well. Tomorrow is the final weigh in for the "biggest loser- St.Clair edition!" I'm going down 53 lbs lighter! I'll let you know who wins! Hopefully I'll be on the other end of Brett's 6/10 of a percent!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Words Really Cannot Describe

Sunday, June 08, 2008
Great Day @ South Park

Today concluded Asbury Alternative's Worship Series, "Back to Basics," a five week series focusing on Acts 2:42-47. It was a great day for worship, picnicking and fellowship at South Park! It was such a hot day, 94, I believe my thermometer read when I got into the van! We concluded with a message on house churches. When I got home this evening, I was thrilled to see the interest generated from our sign up forms to be a part of a house church movement at Baldwin Community!
Enjoy a few pictures from today's excitement. I will continue to pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit as we begin our groups in the homes of the church family.

Thursday, June 05, 2008
Servant Ministry

Friday, May 23, 2008
Enjoy Memorial Day
Monday, May 19, 2008
Back to Basics

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
God loves a cheerful giver
Sunday, April 20, 2008
8th Avenue Ministries

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Camping Weekend

Friday, March 14, 2008
Officiating a Wedding
I have never been asked to perform a beach wedding before. Last week, Jennifer, the kids, my parents and in-laws accompanied one of my dearest friends, Brian Carr and his now wife, Karen to the beautiful island of St. Thomas for the beach wedding at Magen's Bay.
On the island we had the opportunity to join together for one of the most memorable days of my life.
Brian is a dear friend, dating back to the days of middle school in Belle Vernon. Brian and I worked, played baseball and hung out on the weekends together. I was honored to have been asked by Brian and Karen to officiate this wedding.
One of the greatest joys is knowing that these two individuals, Brian and Karen have a saving relationship in Jesus Christ. This couple has put Christ first and foremost in their relationship. As a friend and as the pastor officiating this wedding, to know they love the Lord with all their heart, with all their mind and with all their strength brings me great joy.
As a family, we were able to share some of our greatest memories. Weeks prior to going, Aaron, our son experienced some great difficulty breathing, thinking and told by the pediatrician, asthma (It turned out not!). We were questioning if this would be a good trip. It turned out that the warm tropical air did him the greatest good! He came back with a tan, sandy blond hair and no cough or breathing trouble. Praise God for the time away!
Here's Aaron "living it up" on the beach. No signs of sickness there!
Thank God for the time away. A time to celebrate, refresh and gain our health back!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I "Misremembered" my Brother Roger
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
What NOT To Do On A Snow Day

Thursday, February 07, 2008
She passed!

Friday, January 18, 2008
Casinos Rake In Cash

Debt, bankruptcy
Embezzlement, fraud, check forgery
Eviction, forced home sales
Crime, arrest, incarceration
Poor physical and mental health, suicide
Excerpted from: Effects of Problem Gambling [Internet]. California Council on Problem Gambling (Anaheim, CA); 2006 [cited May 2006]. Available at: http://www.calproblemgambling.org/gambling_effects.html.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
A New Nurse on the Scene
A proud husband I am! Jennifer started her new career as a RN at Children's Hospital here in Pittsburgh! On Monday she began something that she dreamed of for a long time.
She will do wonderful with pediatrics. This is the gift God has blessed her with. I am so thankful that she can share it in such a beautiful way.