The BCUMC Team at Youth 2007
With Kutless
Oak Hill, WV Mission The mission work... a blessing. The worship...exhilarating. The bands...awesome. The youth...indescribable!
These are just a few of the many adjectives to describe the SPLAT 2007 trip to Oak Hill, WV and then to Greensboro, NC. Our youth were overly excited as we departed for this trip! I was still wallowing in the joy of last Sunday's worship experience. As we drove through West Virginia, my thoughts slowly began to turn towards the next journey of mission work in an area that I have heard to be economically depressed.
We pulled into Oak Hill to a warm greeting by a few members of Oak Hill UMC and a nice sign in the front church lawn that had Baldwin's name on it. The youth were so very excited! Monday and Tuesday morning we had the opportunity to serve two local families. The first, we painted the roof of the family in need. The girls did this since this pastor has a little more meat on the bones! The girls did an excellent job with some of the messiest paint known to the human race.
The second family we served were in need of a fence. Their four year old daughter who has some mental disabilities needed a fence in the yard to keep her from falling into a small creek in the back yard. These youth worked and worked until the end of the second day, never grumbling about the 90+ heat and the long bouts of hammering that accompanied building a fence.
We departed for Greensboro Wednesday morning. Words cannot descibe the SPLAT Conference. It was awesome in every sense. (I got to hear one of my favorite bands, Kutless!)
http://www.kutless.com/ It brought me great joy to see the youth of BCUMC and from all around the world, joining together to worship the Lord God Almighty, through prayer, fellowship, music, the Word and through many other means.
It was great to see many from our Conference, like John Shaver, Cindy Bloise, Bishop and Sally Bickerton with their boys, Nick and TJ. It was great to meet other members of WPA Conference as well like the team from Lower Burrell (we greeted them everyday!)
God certainly had his hand on this trip and to God be the glory for the great things he has done!